There are 1000 students in the experimental primary school. What percentage of the students in Grade 6? What percentage of the students in Grade 6 are female students? This is the answer to the two questions. I want to make it clear. This is the percentage of the first semester of grade six There are 200 students in grade six, 98 of whom are girls

There are 1000 students in the experimental primary school. What percentage of the students in Grade 6? What percentage of the students in Grade 6 are female students? This is the answer to the two questions. I want to make it clear. This is the percentage of the first semester of grade six There are 200 students in grade six, 98 of whom are girls

Grade 6: 200 △ 1000 × 100% = 20%
Grade 6 girls: 98 △ 1000 × 100% = 9.8%
Hope to adopt!