When can man fly out of the solar system? When can man fly out of the galaxy? Is the world beyond the earth wonderful

When can man fly out of the solar system? When can man fly out of the galaxy? Is the world beyond the earth wonderful

Speed is a relatively small problem. The real problem is survival. Apart from whether we have enough fuel to go where we want to go, the more practical problem is food. If it takes us 200 years to reach the edge of the solar system, of course we can't take 200 years of food and water with us, and the spaceship doesn't have to take off;
And who wants to stay in that small cabin for the rest of his life? He can't go anywhere, and he has to say goodbye to his family. So the most practical thing is to develop the farming technology in weightlessness first, but it's hard to have sunlight when far away from the sun. Artificial light source may be used for plants; animal husbandry may also be developed, but it's far from the beginning; water must be recycled, It is practical to recycle domestic water and even people's excretion;
In addition, there is the continuation of life. If it takes 200 years for a spaceship to reach the edge of the solar system, it will not be enough for a lifetime. It is necessary to consider the issue of future generations on the spaceship, and so on
So in the end, we will not see it in the visible future. After human beings decide to carry out interstellar migration, it is estimated that they will build a large spaceship, or transform an iron asteroid, and build a large city inside to be self-sufficient. Only in this way can there be hope. It's hard to guess the specific time