The mass of ice is 9kg, the density is 0.9 × 10 ~ (- 179); kg / M ~ (- 179). (1) calculate the volume of ice. (2) calculate the mass of water if 3DM ~ (- 179); of ice melts into water after heat absorption

The mass of ice is 9kg, the density is 0.9 × 10 ~ (- 179); kg / M ~ (- 179). (1) calculate the volume of ice. (2) calculate the mass of water if 3DM ~ (- 179); of ice melts into water after heat absorption

(1) V ice = m ice / P ice = 9kg / (0.9 × 10 & # 179; kg / M & # 179;) = 0.01M & # 179;
(2) V ice = 3DM & # 179; = 0.003m & # 179;
M ice = P ice V ice = 0.9 × 10 & # 179; kg / M & # 179; x0.003m & # 179; = 2.7kg
When the ice melts, the mass of water remains unchanged. Mwater = miice = 2.7kg