The mass of ice is 9kg, and the density is 0.9x10 cubic kg / m3. The volume of ice is calculated. After the ice absorbs heat, 3 cubic DM of ice melts into water, and the mass of water is calculated?

The mass of ice is 9kg, and the density is 0.9x10 cubic kg / m3. The volume of ice is calculated. After the ice absorbs heat, 3 cubic DM of ice melts into water, and the mass of water is calculated?

V = m / ρ = 9kg / 0.9 × 103 = 10-2m3, the volume of ice is 10 cubic DM
The mass of ice is 0.9 × 103 × 3 × 10-3 = 2.7 kg
The mass of water is 2.7kg