A rectangular metal block placed on a horizontal plane, its volume is V, its density is ρ, its gravity is g, and its pressure on the table top is p. if it is cut half vertically from the middle, the following statement is correct () A. V, P, G and P all become half of the original, B. P, G and P all remain unchanged, V becomes half of the original, C. P remains unchanged, V, G and P all become half of the original, D. P and P remain unchanged, V and G all become half of the original

A rectangular metal block placed on a horizontal plane, its volume is V, its density is ρ, its gravity is g, and its pressure on the table top is p. if it is cut half vertically from the middle, the following statement is correct () A. V, P, G and P all become half of the original, B. P, G and P all remain unchanged, V becomes half of the original, C. P remains unchanged, V, G and P all become half of the original, D. P and P remain unchanged, V and G all become half of the original

(1) Because on the horizontal table, f = g = mg, after cutting half vertically, the stress area s will be halved, and the gravity g will be reduced by half, so the pressure will be halved, and it can be seen from P = FS that the pressure will not change; (2) density is a property of the material itself, which does not change with the volume, so the density will remain unchanged after cutting half vertically