The density of a brick is 2 × 10 cubic kilogram per cubic meter, the pressure it can bear is 5 × 10 quintic Pascal, and the length, width and height are 24, 12 and 6cm respectively Ask: 1. Put a brick flat on the ground, how much pressure does the ground receive? 2. What is the maximum height that can be built by using this brick to repair a cylindrical chimney? (g = 10 N / kg)

The density of a brick is 2 × 10 cubic kilogram per cubic meter, the pressure it can bear is 5 × 10 quintic Pascal, and the length, width and height are 24, 12 and 6cm respectively Ask: 1. Put a brick flat on the ground, how much pressure does the ground receive? 2. What is the maximum height that can be built by using this brick to repair a cylindrical chimney? (g = 10 N / kg)
