Karnaugh map simplification To simplify the following logic functions, it is necessary to draw Karnaugh map and write the simplest and or expression F='(ABC)+A'BCD+A'B+A'BC+B'C This' (ABC) and a'B, like this one, don't all contain ABCD, how to draw a picture?

Karnaugh map simplification To simplify the following logic functions, it is necessary to draw Karnaugh map and write the simplest and or expression F='(ABC)+A'BCD+A'B+A'BC+B'C This' (ABC) and a'B, like this one, don't all contain ABCD, how to draw a picture?

F=(ABC)' + AB'CD + AB' + AB'C + BC'
= A' + B' + C' + AB'CD + AB'(1+C) + BC'
= A' + B' + C' + AB'(CD + 1) + (1 + B) C'
= A' + B' + C' + AB' + C'
= A' + C' + (1 + A)B'
= A' + B' + C'
F = (ABC)' + A'BCD + A'B + A'BC + B'C
= A' + B' + C' + A'BCD + A'B (1 + C) + B'C
= A' (1 + BCD) + B' + C' + A'B + B'C
= A' (1 + B) + B' (1 + C) + C'
= A' + B' + C'
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