Given the line segments a, B and angle α, find the triangle ABC so that angle a = angle α, the opposite side of angle a is a and the other side is B Is there two ways to solve this problem? If so, please explain why

Given the line segments a, B and angle α, find the triangle ABC so that angle a = angle α, the opposite side of angle a is a and the other side is B Is there two ways to solve this problem? If so, please explain why

First, make a corner a so that ∠ a = α is on any one of the two sides of ∠ a, take a as the vertex, cut a point C so that AC = B, and then make an arc with C as the fixed point, r = a intersects the other side of ∠ a, and the intersection is B connecting C and B
In fact, it's OK to say yes. It's just different in the order of doing it. You can also do the line or the angle first. There's no essential difference