An = nx2n square for Sn dislocation subtraction

An = nx2n square for Sn dislocation subtraction

This can't be subtracted by dislocation!
The applicable condition of dislocation subtraction is that the general formula is equal difference and equal ratio multiplication... You obviously can't find equal ratio, right?
But if it's 2 to the nth power, it's solvable
Sn = 1x2 first power + 2x2 second power + 3x2 third power The nth power of NX2
2Sn = 0 + 1x2 quadratic + 2x2 cubic (n-1) power n of x2 + power n + 1 of NX2
-Sn = 2 + (square of 2-2 times N + 1) divided by (1-2) - NX2 times N + 1
It's hard to fight the rest