The nearest star outside the solar system to the earth is called the neighboring star, which is 3600, 13000, 13000 kilometers away from the earth. Q: how long does it take for the light from the neighboring star to reach the earth? (it is known that the speed of light is 300000 km / s, which is calculated by 30000000 seconds per year. The results are expressed by scientific notation.)

The nearest star outside the solar system to the earth is called the neighboring star, which is 3600, 13000, 13000 kilometers away from the earth. Q: how long does it take for the light from the neighboring star to reach the earth? (it is known that the speed of light is 300000 km / s, which is calculated by 30000000 seconds per year. The results are expressed by scientific notation.)

∵ the speed of light is 300000 km / s, and the distance between the adjacent star and the earth is 3600, 13000, 13000 km. The time for the light from the adjacent star to reach the earth is 3600, 300000, 13000, 13000, 300000 ≈ 40 (years). A: the light from the adjacent star can reach the earth only after 40 years