How long does it take to get to the moon by the fastest spaceship now RT

How long does it take to get to the moon by the fastest spaceship now RT

The fastest spaceship? It depends on your definition. If it's a rocket, the speed of the rocket's entry into orbit is not much different. If it's the fastest thing that human beings have ever built. "New horizon" is the fastest man-made flying object in human history. It takes less than nine hours to fly over the moon and orbit the earth, and only 13 months to reach Jupiter's gravitational zone, Compared with Apollo's mission to the moon in the 1960s, which took three days to fly and Galileo's flight to Jupiter took four years, new horizon's speed is amazing. Its speed is increasing. It used to be 18km / s, which would exceed 21km / s when approaching Jupiter, and it would exceed 50km / s when accelerating with a gravitational catapult, Become a runaway probe. You can calculate how long it will take for him to go to the moon. He will go to Pluto for his first exploration in 2015. Let's cheer for him