Simple calculation: 88.1 / (0.9 / 5) 0.32 / (0.5 / 12.5)

Simple calculation: 88.1 / (0.9 / 5) 0.32 / (0.5 / 12.5)

There is no simple condition for the first one. 88.1 / (0.9 / 5) = 5 * 881 / 9 = 4405 / 9. The second one is estimated that you can't express it, but you write it wrong. The formula you write is equal to 0.32 * (125 / 5) * 25 = 0.32 * 25 * 25 = 200. Note: it means (0.32 / (0.5 / 12.5)) * 25, not 0.32 / ((0.5 / 12.5) * 25)