The content of the law of conservation of mechanical energy

The content of the law of conservation of mechanical energy

The law of conservation of mechanical energy is the basic law in dynamics, that is, if there is no work done by external force or the sum of work done by external force is zero, and only conservative force (see potential energy) does work in the system, then the mechanical energy (the sum of kinetic energy and potential energy) of the system remains unchanged
That is to say, the kinetic energy and potential energy of the body are transformed each other when only gravity does work on the body, but the total amount of mechanical energy remains unchanged
Its mathematical expression can have the following two forms:
E machine o = e machine t (or mgho + 1 / 2m (V O) ^ 2 = mght + 1 / 2m (V T) ^ 2)
In this form, the reference plane of gravitational potential energy must be determined first,