It is known that a, B, C and D are rational numbers, where the positions of a, B, C and D on the number axis are shown in the figure, and the value of | A-B | - 2 | B-C | + | C + D | a. The distance of b.c.d is uncertain, which is probably the case. The number axis can't draw b d 0 C a Please hurry up!! Thank you!

It is known that a, B, C and D are rational numbers, where the positions of a, B, C and D on the number axis are shown in the figure, and the value of | A-B | - 2 | B-C | + | C + D | a. The distance of b.c.d is uncertain, which is probably the case. The number axis can't draw b d 0 C a Please hurry up!! Thank you!

The key points are as follows
This is because, a > b, B < C, we get A-B > 0, B-C < 0
C > 0, D < 0, | C < D |, thus C + D < 0
So the original formula is A-B + 2b-2c-c-d = a + b-3c-d