A multiplied by 6 / 7 = B multiplied by 6 / 5 = C multiplied by 1, where ABC is a natural number, and none of them is zero. Let's arrange the three numbers ABC from small to large I know the answer is a is less than C is less than B, but I don't know why,

A multiplied by 6 / 7 = B multiplied by 6 / 5 = C multiplied by 1, where ABC is a natural number, and none of them is zero. Let's arrange the three numbers ABC from small to large I know the answer is a is less than C is less than B, but I don't know why,

Because if a number is multiplied by a number greater than 0 but less than 1, the result is smaller than itself,
A number multiplied by one equals itself
If a number is multiplied by a number greater than one, the result is greater than it
A > a times 6 / 7 = C times 1 = C, so a > C
B < B times 6 / 5 = C times 1 = C, so B < C
So a < C < B
This is primary school, to junior high school, learning negative numbers can not do so