To build a round pool, you need to hold 100 cubic meters of water, 3 meters high and 60 cm thick. How many materials do you need? The materials are concrete and cement

To build a round pool, you need to hold 100 cubic meters of water, 3 meters high and 60 cm thick. How many materials do you need? The materials are concrete and cement

Divide the volume 100 by the height 3 to get the bottom area s, then divide s by 3.14 to get the inner diameter D1, D1 + 60 cm of the pool wall to get the outer diameter, then calculate the difference between the inner and outer volume to get the concrete quantity, and then calculate the cement quantity according to the proportion: v = V1-V2 = 3.14 * (100 / (3 * 3.14) + 0.6) 2 * 3-3.14 * (100 / (3 * 3.14) 2 * 3 = 123.44 (