This problem is factorized by undetermined coefficient method? x^4-x^3-5x^2-6x-4 Let x ^ 4-x ^ 3-5X ^ 2-6x-4 = (x ^ 2 + ax + b) (x ^ 2 + CX + D) =x^4+(a+c)x^3+(ac+b+d)x^2+(ad+bc)x+bd It can be concluded that a+c=-1, ac+b+d=-5, ad+bc=-6, bd=-4. How to solve a B C

This problem is factorized by undetermined coefficient method? x^4-x^3-5x^2-6x-4 Let x ^ 4-x ^ 3-5X ^ 2-6x-4 = (x ^ 2 + ax + b) (x ^ 2 + CX + D) =x^4+(a+c)x^3+(ac+b+d)x^2+(ad+bc)x+bd It can be concluded that a+c=-1, ac+b+d=-5, ad+bc=-6, bd=-4. How to solve a B C

Very complex, it is best not to use undetermined coefficient method
a+c=-1 …… A
ac+b+d=-5 …… B
ad+bc=-6 …… C
bd=-4 …… D
Substitute a and D into B to get E. substitute a and D into C to get F. simultaneous equations E and F can be solved
Or: starting from D, assuming that B is less than or equal to D, then discuss it in three cases (b = - 4, B = - 2, B = - 1, so d = 1, d = 2, d = 4), substitute B, get g, solve a and G simultaneously, and then substitute C for checking
I'll do it by myself. I'm too lazy to do it for you. I'll give you all the methods