Solve a cubic equation of one variable x^3-3x^2+3x-1=0 In addition, I also want to ask whether these coefficients can only be solved in a simple way when they are special. For example, the coefficients of this equation are 1,3,3,1, which is a bit like Yang Hui's triangle. Is there any special solution for this kind of equation?

Solve a cubic equation of one variable x^3-3x^2+3x-1=0 In addition, I also want to ask whether these coefficients can only be solved in a simple way when they are special. For example, the coefficients of this equation are 1,3,3,1, which is a bit like Yang Hui's triangle. Is there any special solution for this kind of equation?

We can directly use the sum of cubes formula to get: (x-1) ^ 3 = 0
The solution is: x = 1