Explore the relationship between current, voltage and resistance Keep the constant resistance R = 10 Ω, close the switch s, adjust the sliding rheostat r so that the voltage at both ends of the constant resistance R is 1V, 2V and 3V respectively. Read out the ammeter and record in the table, analyze the data and draw a conclusion Step 2: let the constant resistance be 5 Ω, 10 Ω and 15 Ω respectively, keep the voltage at both ends of the constant resistance u = 2V unchanged, read out the ammeter indication and record it in the table, analyze the data and draw a conclusion Please design the form required in step 2 based on the above materials In step 2, what is the operation method to keep both ends of the constant resistance unchanged? The ammeter used by Xiao Ming has two ranges: 0-0.6a and 0-3A. According to your existing knowledge and experience, which range do you think he should use and why?

Explore the relationship between current, voltage and resistance Keep the constant resistance R = 10 Ω, close the switch s, adjust the sliding rheostat r so that the voltage at both ends of the constant resistance R is 1V, 2V and 3V respectively. Read out the ammeter and record in the table, analyze the data and draw a conclusion Step 2: let the constant resistance be 5 Ω, 10 Ω and 15 Ω respectively, keep the voltage at both ends of the constant resistance u = 2V unchanged, read out the ammeter indication and record it in the table, analyze the data and draw a conclusion Please design the form required in step 2 based on the above materials In step 2, what is the operation method to keep both ends of the constant resistance unchanged? The ammeter used by Xiao Ming has two ranges: 0-0.6a and 0-3A. According to your existing knowledge and experience, which range do you think he should use and why?

1、 The corresponding conclusions are: 1. When the resistance is constant, the current in the conductor is directly proportional to the voltage at both ends of the conductor; 2. When the voltage is constant, the current in the conductor is inversely proportional to the resistance of the conductor. 2. You can design the recording table by yourself without inputting it separately