Excuse me, what is the bulk density and compact density of sand? Online and so on! What is the bulk density and compact density of medium sand? What is the bulk density and compact density of 5-40mm gravel? What is the bulk density and compact density of 5-40mm pebbles?

Excuse me, what is the bulk density and compact density of sand? Online and so on! What is the bulk density and compact density of medium sand? What is the bulk density and compact density of 5-40mm gravel? What is the bulk density and compact density of 5-40mm pebbles?

1. The bulk density of medium sand is about 1.1.8, and the compact density after compaction is about 2.2.2
2. The bulk density of 5-40mm gravel is about 1.1.7, and the compact density is about 1.2.0
3. The bulk density of 5-40mm pebbles is 1.1.8, and the compact density is about 1.2.0