Why is m / S ^ 2 and N / kg actually the same unit Do I have to ask if I want to know?

Why is m / S ^ 2 and N / kg actually the same unit Do I have to ask if I want to know?

Why is it so hard to understand
1n is an acceleration of 1m / s * s that can be produced by a 1kg object
The conversion of n to SI unit is: kg. M / s * s
And for N / kg, it's kg / M.S * s divided by kg
That is m / s * s (the unit can also be "approximately divided")
So the conclusion is: these two units are the same at all times

Kinetic energy: m * V ^ 2 get unit: kg * m ^ 2 / S ^ 2, how is j?

W = f s f = m g in kg ×
{M / (s) 2} × m is kilogram per meter per second

What is the unit of m ^ 4 * kg / S ^ 2?

m^4*kg/s^2 = Kg * (m/s^2) * m * (m^2) = N * m * (m^2) = J * (m^2)
The corresponding physical equation is m * a * L * s = f * L * s = w * s
"Work (joule)" times "area (square meter)" seems meaningless

What rhetorical devices are used in the sentence "American astronauts Armstrong, Collins and Aldrin have finally visited the moon on behalf of all mankind"

Personification. Only talents are worth visiting. Here, the moon is personified. Things that are not human are personified to make things described active, which strengthens the image of language

When water becomes ice, its volume will increase by 1 / 10. If there is a piece of ice with a volume of 2 cubic meters, how many cubic decimeters will its volume decrease after melting?

After melting, the volume will decrease: 2-2 ÷ (1 + 1 / 10) = 2 / 11 cubic meters = 2000 / 11 cubic decimeters ≈ 181.2 cubic decimeters

On July 20, 1969, the name of the U.S. manned spacecraft to the moon, and who was the first astronaut to land on the moon, he said

Apollo 11 Armstrong "for a person, this is only a small step, but for all mankind, this is a huge leap!"

After water becomes ice, its volume increases by 1 / 10?


After Armstrong, who is the second American astronaut to set foot on the moon?

After water becomes ice, its volume increases by 110. The volume of an existing ice is 2 cubic decimeters. What is the volume after melting?

2 (1 + 110) = 2 (1110) = 2011; & nbsp; a: the volume after melting is 2011

Armstrong and other three astronauts to the moon
The sooner the better. Better be more detailed
And be more detailed!

If someone asks you, "do you know what animal flies the highest?" many people will surely answer, "the eagle flies the highest." if someone tells you that the eagle can fly to the moon, you will think that this person's brain is out of order. On July 20, 1969, an American named Armstrong reported a message to all mankind: the eagle