Ask a unit conversion kn / M and MPa, It's kn / m, not m ^ 2

Ask a unit conversion kn / M and MPa, It's kn / m, not m ^ 2

Kn / M is the line load
MPA = 10 ^ 3kn / m ^ 2 is the surface load
They are different in nature and cannot be converted into each other

Do you know how to convert the unit area from MPa to kn or from kn to MPa
For example, if you know the area of a circle, how to convert MPa to kn
It is how to convert the pressure MPa of coal mine support into kn, please specify.

1MPa = 1000kPa is the unit of pressure, kn is the unit of pressure, and pressure multiplied by unit area equals pressure
The pressure of 1 MPa is 1000 kn in the range of 1 square meter

How many kg is 0.07g

The - 5th power of 0.00007g 7x10

A cuboid steel plate is 2.5 meters long, 1.6 meters wide and 0.02 meters thick. What is its volume? It weighs 7.8 kg per cubic meter. How many kg does it weigh

Volume = 2.5 × 1.6 × 0.02 = 0.08 cubic meter = 80 cubic decimeter
This steel weight = 0.08 × 7.8 = 0.624kg

What happens if astronauts don't wear spacesuits on the moon?
Does the blood boil?
Can blood not flow?
... on the whole,

A cuboid steel plate is 2.5 meters long, 1.8 meters wide and 2 cm thick. What is its volume in cubic decimeters? Every cubic decimeter steel plate

V = 2.5 × 1.8 × 0.02 = 0.09m3
Because 1 cubic meter = 1000 cubic decimeter = 1000000 cubic centimeter
So v = 0.09 × 1000 = 90 cubic decimeter
The key is conversion! In mathematics, we must remember that we can convert!

It is estimated that a kilogram object on the earth weighs only one sixth of a kilogram on the moon. An astronaut's weight on the earth is 66 kilogram, if he arrives
How many kilos lighter will the moon weigh than the earth?

Light: 66x (1-1 / 6) = 55kg

A rectangular steel plate, 2.2 meters long, 1.5 meters wide and 0.01 meters thick, how many cubic decimeters is its volume?

Length 2.2 m = 22 decimeters
Broadband 1.5m = 15m
Thickness 0.01M = 0.1dm
Three times = 33 cubic decimeter

The weight of an astronaut on the moon is 5 / 6 lighter than that on the earth

The weight of astronauts on the moon is 12kg, and that on the earth is 6 times that on the moon = 6 * 12 = 72kg

The steel plate of a cuboid is 3 meters long, 1.5 meters wide and 0.3 meters thick. Its volume is 3 cubic decimeters
