Unit conversion, t / D conversion, kg / h conversion For example, 0.24t/d = () kg / h

Unit conversion, t / D conversion, kg / h conversion For example, 0.24t/d = () kg / h

=1000 kg/d
=1000÷24 kg/h
=125 / 3 kg / h
=24 × 125 / 3
=10 kg/h
Your adoption is the driving force of my answer!

Density unit conversion 1t / m3 = () kg / dm3 = () g / cm3 = () kg / m3

1t/m3=( 1)kg/dm3=( 1)g/cm3=( 1000)kg/m3

Unit conversion of density 1g / cm3 =? Kg / m3

It's 1000. Choose me. I'm sure I'm right. Because it can be calculated by unit conversion: 1g = 1000kg, 1cm = 1000000m3

The weight of an object on the moon is 1 / 6 of that on the earth. If an astronaut on the moon weighs 500 cattle more on the earth than on the moon, ask him how many cattle he weighs on the earth

The method is as follows:
If it weighs x n on the earth, it weighs X / 6 N on the moon. Then x-x / 6 = 500, so x = 600. That is to say, the astronaut weighs 600 n on the earth

-0.5 square + 1 / 4 - / - 3 square - 9 / - - 1.5 cubic * (- 16 / 27)

-0.5 square + 1 / 4 - / - 3 square - 9 / - (- 1.5 cubic) * (- 16 / 27)

The weight of an object on the moon is one sixth of that on the earth. If an astronaut on the moon weighs 500 N more on the earth than on the moon,
How many cows does he weigh on earth?

On the moon it weighs x n, on earth it weighs 6x n
X = 100 (n)
Then 6x = 600 (n)
It weighs 600 cattle on earth

-2 square-27 divided by | - (- 3) square | + | (- 4) cubic | * (- 3 / 4) square


The weight of an object on the moon is one sixth of that on the earth. If an astronaut on the moon weighs 500 cattle on the earth, how many cattle does he weigh on the earth?

He weighs 600 cattle on earth

If a + B = 3, ab = - 2, find the value of the cube of a plus the square of a plus B plus a times the square of B plus the cube of B

a^3+a^2b+ab^2+b^3 =(a+b)(a^2-ab+b^2)+ab(a+b) =3(a^2-ab+b^2)-2*3 =3[(a+b)^2-3ab]-6 =3*15-6=39

A 20 cm long, 15 cm wide and 10 cm high gift box. How long does it need to be tied with colored tape at least? (20 cm is used at the knot)
List the formulas
