How much is 78 kn / m3 converted into kg / m3?

How much is 78 kn / m3 converted into kg / m3?

1kg = 9.8N
1 N = 1 / 9.8 kg
78kn = 78 × 1000 / 9.8 = 7959.18kg

How to convert kg into t


The weight of an astronaut on the moon is only 16 times that on the earth. An astronaut weighs 72 kg on the earth. How many kg has he lost on the moon?

72 × 16 = 12 (kg), 72-12 = 60 (kg); a: 60 kg weight loss

(1) fill in the blanks: 1.1020 cubic centimeter = () liter 5.05 liter = () liter () ml 3 cubic decimeter 70 cubic centimeter = () ml 8500 ml =(
Get rid of it····

1 m3 = 1000 l = 1000000 ml
1 cubic decimeter = 1 liter = 1000 ml
So 1.1020 CC = (1.02) l 5.05 L = (5) l (50) ml
3 cubic decimeter 70 cubic centimeter = (3070) ml

A cuboid gift box 30cm long, 20cm wide and 15cm high. Give him a layer of wrapping paper. Here is a 7dm long gift box
Is 4dm wide rectangular wrapping paper enough?

The packaging area needs 120 + 600 + 900 = 1620cm2
The packing paper area is 70 * 40 = 2800cm2
The theoretical area meets the packaging requirements

What letter is the density symbol "ρ" in physics?

Greek alphabet
[for physical particles, the meaning of density ρ]
Quantum mechanics clearly points out that for a real particle, the meaning of density ρ is the probability of the particle appearing in any tiny region of space (the mathematical term is "volume element"), that is, the probability density

4l 20ml = () cubic decimeter

4 liter 20 ml = (4.02) cubic decimeter

How many cm ribbons do you need to bind the gift box with ribbons? The ribbons are 15cm long. The gift box is 12cm high, 12cm wide and 30cm long
How many cm ribbon does it need to bind the gift box with ribbon? (ribbon knot length is 15cm)
The gift box is 12cm high and 12cm wide,

15cm ribbon is not enough

Density, mass, volume
How to judge whether an object is hollow or solid?

For example, let's say that a shot put has a mass of 8kg and a volume of 24cm2. Then, according to the formula P = m / V, turn the book to find the density of lead. If the calculated density is less than that on the density meter, it is hollow, otherwise it is not

101 / 20 cubic decimeter = () l () ml

5 and 50