What are the weight unit and the mass unit Kilogram ton kilogram pound Newton

What are the weight unit and the mass unit Kilogram ton kilogram pound Newton

The international standard unit of weight is Newton
The international standard unit of mass is kilogram, and there are also auxiliary units such as gram and ton. The self-made units in China include kilogram, Jin, Liang, Dan, etc., 1 kilogram = 1 kilogram = 2 jin = 20 Liang = 0.02 Dan, British units include pound, ounces, etc., 1 pound = 16 ounces = 0.454 kg

What's the difference between mass and weight?
Such as the title

If I ask you what the weight of something is, you will say that it is XX Jin or XX kg. Jin and kg are mass units. It can be seen that the weight we usually say is close to the mass in physics. But there is also a word "heavy" in this word, which implies that when we use this word, we consciously or unconsciously default that the weight is related to gravity, This is different from the meaning of mass, because the mass of the same object has nothing to do with gravity. No matter on the earth, the moon or other planets, the mass of the object will not change, but the gravity it receives. It can be seen that "weight" is just a popular term with vague meaning, and its scope of application is only non scientific occasions, Gravity is gravity, don't say weight, lest you will be deducted points^_^

How many tons is the volume of wood per cubic meter? Is it related to its density?

According to the specific gravity of various kinds of wood, you can calculate the weight. For example: Korean pine 0.44; Larix gmelinii 0.625; white larch 0.594; Fraxinus mandshurica 0.686; birch 0.607; Phoebe 0.61; oak 0.766; Chinese fir 0.376; cypress 0.6; elm 0.548; masson pine 0.533

The construction team had a batch of cement. After using three eighths of this batch of cement, 155 bags of cement were brought in. At this time, the cement was two fifths more than the original. How many bags of cement were there

There were 155 △ 3 / 8 + 2 / 5 = 155 △ 31 / 40 = 200 bags

The volume and height of a cylinder and a cone are equal. The perimeter of the bottom surface is 12.56 M. what is the area of the bottom of the cone?
What's the formula

If the volume and height are equal, the area of the cone bottom is three times that of the cylinder bottom, because the circumference of the cylinder bottom is 12.56, the radius is 12.56/3.14/2 = 2
The bottom area of the cylinder is 3.14 * 2 * 2 = 12.56, then the bottom area of the cone is 12.56 * 3 = 37.68

A number is not only a multiple of 9, but also a factor of 54______ .

The factors of 54 are: 1, 2, 3, 6, 9, 18, 27, 54; the multiples of 9 within 54 are: 9, 18, 27, 36, 45, 54; the multiples of 9 and 54 are: 9, 18, 27, 54; so the answer is: 9, 18, 27, 54

2n power of 1 / 3 A - (- 7 A) + 2n + 1 power of (- 1)? * n power of a (n is an integer ·)
2n power of 1a-3 - (- 7a) + 2n + 1 power of (- 1) * n power of a - (2a-5) - n power of 5A (n is an integer)

2n power of 1 / 3 A - (- 7 A) + 2n + 1 power of (- 1)? * n power of a (n is an integer ·)

How to calculate 9 × () + 3 = () + 3.5? If the numbers in brackets are the same, how to operate? Can you say the basic principle and its formula in the most popular language


Given a = 2x ^ 2-5xy + 4Y ^ 2, B = x ^ 2-xy-3y ^ 2, a-2b-c = 0, find polynomial C

If a square is used to circle the sum of nine numbers in a month's calendar as 126, then the third day of the nine days is () day

126/9=14 14-7=7 7+1=8