How to convert MPa and kg / m2

How to convert MPa and kg / m2

1 standard atmospheric pressure = 0.1MPa
1 atmospheric pressure = 1.03323kg/cm2
1MPa = 10, atmospheric pressure = 10.3323kg/cm2
After the square centimeter and square meter conversion you should be able to do it~

What is the conversion between MPa and kg

Conversion table of common pressure units

How to convert kg / cm2 to MPa?


1. Given | A-2 | + b * B + 8b + 16 = 0, find the value of B * B. 2. Given a * a + A + 1 = 0, find the value of a * a * a + 2a-3
The first problem is to find the value of B to the power a

1. Given | A-2 | + b * B + 8b + 16 = 0, find the value of B * B
|A-2 | + b * B + 8b + 16 = | A-2 | + (B + 4) ^ 2 (square) = 0
So | A-2 | = 0 and B + 4) ^ 2 = 0
So a = 2, B = - 4
2. Given a * a + A + 1 = 0, find the value of a * a * a + 2a-3

Xiao Ming is careless in his homework. He forgets the decimal point of a two digit decimal. The integer he gets is 35.64 more than the original number

Let the original decimal (two digits) be a. Xiaoming forgets the decimal point and makes it 100 times larger than the original number. This number becomes 100A, which is 35.64 more than the original number. Then we get the formula: 100a-a = 35.64, so a = 35.64 is divided by (100-1) to get 0.36. Answer: the original decimal is 0.36

Party A and Party B go from ab at the same time, return to each other's starting place immediately, and meet for the second time at 60 km away from A. the speed ratio of Party A and Party B is 2:3, and the distance between Party A and Party B is calculated
Any arithmetic or equation, easy to understand on the line, try to explain

=300 km

(1) Read the following material: points a and B represent real numbers a and B respectively on the number axis, and the distance between points a and B is expressed as ∣ ab ∣
① The distance between 3 and 7 on the number axis is__ .
② What is the distance between two points a and B representing - 3 and - 7 on the number axis__ .
③ The distance between two points a and B representing - 1 and - 3 on the number axis is__ .
The distance between two points a and B representing X and - 1 on the number axis is (), if / AB / = 2, name x is ()

① The distance between 3 and 7 on the number axis is_ 4_.
② What is the distance between two points a and B representing - 3 and - 7 on the number axis_ 4_.
③ The distance between two points a and B representing - 1 and - 3 on the number axis is_ 2_.
The distance between two points a and B representing X and - 1 on the number axis is (| x + 1 |), if / AB / = 2, name x is (1 or - 3)

A and B trains leave from two stations 580 kilometers apart at the same time. A train runs 70 kilometers per hour, B train runs 5 kilometers faster than a train and passes through two trains for several hours
A and B trains leave from two stations 580 kilometers apart at the same time. Car a runs 70 kilometers per hour, while car B runs 5 kilometers faster than car A. after a few hours, the two trains meet?
Don't synthesize the formula

Speed of vehicle B: 70 + 5 = 75 (km / h)
Speed sum: 75 + 70 = 145 (km / h)
Meeting time: 580-145 = 4 (hours)

There is a set of data 3 a 4 6 7. If their average is 5, what is the variance of this set of data

So a = 5
A: the variance is 2

It took five hours for a car to go from place a to place B, but the speed of the car increased by 20% when it returned, so it was less used___ Hours

Suppose the speed of the car is x, then the distance between a and B is 5x, and the return time is: 5x (1 + 20%) x = 416, so less 5-416 = 56