Chemical enterprises commonly used flow, pressure, temperature units and conversion

Chemical enterprises commonly used flow, pressure, temperature units and conversion

1、 Flow conversion
1. The conversion relationship between gas volume flow V (m3 / h) and mass flow w (kg / h) is: w = ρ V (ρ is the gas density kg / m3)
2. The relationship between gas volume flow rate (P1, T1 state) V (m3 / h) and flow rate V0 under standard state (0 ℃, 1atm): 1
P1V1/T1=P0V0/T0, V0=P1V1TO/T1P0(Nm3/h)
3. The conversion relationship between mass flow rate w (kg / h) and standard state flow rate is: V0 = w / M (Nm3 / h, M is the molecular weight of gas)
2、 Pressure conversion
1. Absolute pressure and gauge pressure, absolute pressure = gauge pressure + local atmospheric pressure, unit is usually expressed in MPa, for example, 0.5mpaa means absolute pressure of system is 0.5MPa; 0.5mpag means gauge pressure of system is 0.5MPa, absolute pressure is about 0.6MPa
2. 1 Physical atmospheric pressure = 101.3kPa = 10.33m water column = 760mm mercury column, 1 Engineering atmospheric pressure = 10m water column = 98.07kpa
3、 Temperature
The conversion relationship between absolute temperature and centigrade temperature is t = 273 + t
The conversion relationship between Fahrenheit temperature and centigrade temperature is: F = 1.8T + 32

How to convert AC-13 unit cubic meter of asphalt concrete into ton

The cubic meter unit of asphalt concrete multiplied by Marshall density can be converted into mass unit ton

Explain a few English words
Help explain the meaning of good to know, good to remember, good to talk
Thank you very much

It's good to XX. Or good to XX. It's good to remember

It is known that the sum of the first n terms of the arithmetic sequence {an} is SN. If S12 = 21, then A2 + A5 + A8 + a11 = what?

It's very simple. Through S12 = 21, we can get a1 + A12 = 3.5. In addition, A2 + a11 = A5 + A8 = a1 + A12. Therefore, we get 7

On the concept of differential
Can you tell me the relationship between △ x △ y dy DX in common words
If I can find out where our teacher is, I won't ask. What's the relationship between T, t, Dy and △ x? The relationship between the four

The landlord can think like this: Δ x is (x1-x2), which is equivalent to taking a section on X with unlimited size, and Δ y is the same; and DX is actually taking a section on X, but the length of this section is close to 0, and Dy is the same; so when Δ X and Δ y are close to 0, Lim Δ X / Δ y = dy / DX, there is only this relationship between them, that is to say, Dy and Δ X have no relationship, DX and Δ y have no relationship

One truck transports seven eighths of a ton of coal each time. How many tons of coal do ten trucks transport four times“

7 / 8 × 10 × 4 = 35 (ton)

The equal angle is the opposite vertex angle,

An equal angle is an opposite vertex

If X-Y = 5, xy = 2, then Y / x + X / y =?

Y/X + X/Y=(Y²+X²)/XY=[(X-Y)²+2XY]/XY=29/2

When ice melts into water, it is endothermic, but according to the formula q = cm △ T, the temperature of ice melts does not change, so △ t is 0, then the ice does not absorb heat?

Q =cm △t
Q suction = cm (t-t0)
Q = cm (t0-t)
Q is the heat
C is the amount of heat released by an object burning a certain mass, in J / (kg0c)
M is the mass
Δ t is the temperature change
T is the final temperature
T0 is the initial temperature
Q = cm △ t is the heat absorbed or released by a certain mass of material to raise or lower a certain temperature
Q absorption is the amount of heat absorbed by an object
Q release is the heat released by an object
So any melting is endothermic, but the temperature remains constant

Was calculus invented by Leibniz or Newton

Leibniz is equal to Newton in the creation of calculus. In terms of invention time, Newton was earlier than Leibniz; in terms of publication time, Leibniz was prior to Newton. It is generally recognized that Newton and Leibniz are both the inventors of calculus, and their calculus has their own characteristics. Newton and Leibniz work from different angles, and independently discover the basic theorem of calculus, In addition, a set of effective differential and integral algorithms are established. They both extricate calculus from geometric form, adopt algebraic method and notation, and expand its application scope from surface. They all attribute area, volume and problems previously treated as sum to integral (anti differential). In this way, the problems of velocity, tangent, extremum and summation all come down to differential and integral
Newton studied calculus from the perspective of mechanics or kinematics, starting from the concept of velocity, and considered the problem of velocity. Newton called his discovery "flow numerology". He called the continuously changing quantity "flow quantity" or "flow"; he called the infinitesimal time interval "instantaneous"; and the velocity of flow, that is, the rate of change of flow in infinitesimal time, So Newton's "stream number method" is calculus with the basic concepts of flow, stream number and instant. Leibniz emphasized the concept of tangent from the angle of geometry, starting from the problem of tangent. He studied the relationship between the problem of tangent and the problem of area under the curve, It is clearly pointed out that differential and integral are two reciprocal operations
Leibniz's differential symbol and integral symbol are easy to understand and easy to use