How to convert meters into square meters?

How to convert meters into square meters?

What can't be converted is that meter is the unit of length and square meter is the unit of area
M * m = M2

How to square millimeter

1mm * 1mm = 1mm ^ 2 (10mm) ^ 2 = (1cm) ^ 2100mm ^ 2 = 1cm ^ 2 (100mm) ^ 2 = (1dm) ^ 210000mm ^ 2 = 1dm ^ 2 (1000mm) ^ 2 = (1m) ^ 21000000mm ^ 2 = 1m ^ 2 (1000000mm) ^ 2 = (1km) ^ 2 (10 ^ 12) mm ^ 2 = 1km ^ 2 LZ do you want these

How many centimeters is a foot. Can you convert these dimensions into centimeters for me
Length: 1.95 feet
Shoulder width: 1.2 feet
Sleeve length: 12cm (2 / 3 of arm)
Chest: 2.5 feet (net)
Length: 2.9 feet
Waist 2.2 feet (net)
Hip circumference: 3 feet (net)
Length: 1.85 feet
Shoulder width: 1.15 feet
Sleeve length: 1.65 feet
Chest: 2.25 feet (net)
Length: 2.65 feet
Waist: 2.0 feet
Hip: 2.7ft (net)
Li Nali
Length: 1.8 feet
Shoulder width: 1.1 feet
Arm length: 21.5 feet (to middle finger)
Leg length: 1 foot (to 1 / 5 of the leg)
Waist: 21.5 feet
Chest: 2.6 feet
Hip: 2.9ft
I'm in urgent need of making clothes

One foot is 33 centimeters
The back is in centimeters
Length: 1.95 feet = 64.35
Shoulder width: 1.2 feet = 39.6
Sleeve length: 12cm (2 / 3 of arm)
Chest: 2.5 feet (net) = 82.5
Length: 2.9ft = 95.7ft
Waist 2.2 (net) = 72.6
Hip circumference: 3 feet (net) = 99
Length: 1.85 feet = 61.05
Shoulder width: 1.15 feet = 37.95
Sleeve length: 1.65 feet = 54.45
Chest: 2.25 feet (net) = 74.25
Length: 2.65 feet = 87.45
Waist: 2.0 feet = 66
Hip circumference: 2.7ft (net) = 89.1
Li Nali
Length: 1.8 feet = 59.4
Shoulder width: 1.1 feet = 36.3 feet
Arm length: 21.5 feet (to middle finger) = 709.5
Leg length: 1 foot (to 1 / 5 of the leg) = 33
Waistline: 21.5 feet = 709.5 (not so long? Should be 2.15 feet? 70.95)
Chest: 2.6ft = 85.8ft
Hip: 2.9ft = 95.7ft

The passenger car and the freight car leave each other at the same time from station a and station B, and meet five hours later. After meeting, the two cars still move at the original speed. When they are 196 km apart, the passenger car runs three fifths of the whole journey, and the freight car runs 80% of the whole journey. How many kilometers does the freight car travel?

If the distance between a and B is a kilometer, there will be
80%a-196 =( 1-3/5)a
The solution is a = 490
So 490 × 80% = 392 (km)
A: the truck has traveled 392 kilometers

For any convex quadrilateral ABCD in the plane, the following four relations are obtained: (1) AB = CD;
② Ad = BC; ③ ab ∥ CD; ④ ∠ a = ∠ C, if any two of them are taken as conditions, the probability that this quadrilateral ABCD is a parallelogram can be obtained
My question is why 14 23 doesn't work
Why can't we guarantee ad = BC

When it is true: when ad ≠ BC, connect BD, in triangle abd and triangle CBD, ab = CD, ∠ a = ∠ C, but ad ≠ BC, they are not congruent, so they are not parallelogram
When it is established: it can form an isosceles trapezoid with AD and BC as the waist, so it is not established

There are two piles of coal of the same weight in the math problem. After the first pile uses 2% of the coal and the second pile uses 60%, the remaining coal in the second pile is 18 tons less than that in the first pile
How much of each?

=90 tons
Answer: two piles of coal used to be 90 tons each

A problem on mean inequality
Given a + B = 1, find the minimum value of 1 / A + 2 / b (a > 0, b > 0). I know the specific answer. But the other method I used is wrong, but I don't know where it is wrong. The following error method, please help explain: a + B = 1. So 1 is greater than or equal to 2 times the root sign ab. so AB is less than or equal to 1 / 4. And because 1 / A + 2 / B is greater than or equal to 2 times the root sign AB, so the above formula is greater than or equal to 2 times the root sign 8

A batch of goods was distributed to Party A and Party B according to the ratio of 5:3. Party a completed 4 / 5 of the task of the team, and the rest was transported to Party B. Party B transported 480 tons in total,
How many tons are the goods altogether?

B complete = (3 + 5-5 × 4 / 5) / (5 + 3) = 1 / 2
Total = 480 △ 1 / 2 = 900 tons
Do not understand can ask, help please adopt, thank you!

Finding the solution set of inequality
Finding inequality [K (1-x)] / (X-2)


It takes 20 hours for a bus to complete the whole journey on a highway. The speed ratio of a car to the bus is 4:3. If the car and the bus start from both ends of the highway and go in opposite directions, how many hours will the two cars meet?

Set the whole journey as 1, then the speed of the bus is 120, the speed of the car is 120 × 43 = 115, the meeting time is 1 △ 120 + 115, = 1 △ 760, = 847 hours, a: the meeting time of the two cars is 847 hours