What is the abbreviation of the United Nations?

What is the abbreviation of the United Nations?

The abbreviation is U.N
United Nations
United Nations: a large international organization established in 1945 with headquarters in New York and many branches. Its main purpose is to maintain international peace and security, develop friendly international relations, and promote international cooperation in economic and cultural fields

Abbreviations of United Nations agencies

The UN General Assembly, the UN Security Council, the UN Economic and Social Council, the UN Trusteeship Council (which has ceased normal operation and meets as necessary), the International Court of justice, and the UN Secretariat (six basic institutions)
1 United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
2 United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
3 United Nations Conference on Trade and development (untad)
4 United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)
5 United Nations Children's Fund - UNICEF
6 Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees - UNHCR
7 United Nations Economic Commission for Europe - UNECE
8 World Food Programme (WFP)
9 economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific - Escape
The Committee on the peaceful uses of outer space (COPUOS)
11 International Labour Organization (ILO)
12 food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
13 United Nations Educational, scientific and Cultural Organization – UNESCO
14 World Health Organization (who)
15 International Monetary Fund (IMF)
16 International Development Association (IDA)
17 international bank for reconstruction and development (jbrd) (World Bank)
18 International Finance Corporation - JFC
19 International Civil Aviation Organization - ICAO
Universal Postal Union - UPU
21 International Telecommunication Union - ITU
22 World Meteorological Organization (WMO)
23 International Maritime Organization (IMO)
24 World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)
25 international fund for agricultural development - IFAD
26 United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)
27 International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
28 World Trade Organization (WTO)
29 International Labour Organization (ILO)

The abbreviation of Chinese Basketball League
It's from our country

CBA (China Men's Basketball League)
Cuba (China University Basketball League)
WCBA (China Women's Basketball League)

In trapezoidal ABCD, m and N are the middle points of AD and BC, e and F are the middle points of MB and cm, respectively
Second question: if point P is any point of BC, ad: BC = 2:3, the area of trapezoid ABCD is 10, find the area of quadrilateral MEPF

This should be an isosceles trapezoid
Proband △ AMB ≌ △ DMC (SAS)
BM = cm
Using the triangle median line, en = 1 / 2 MC, FN = 1 / 2 BM
And me = 1 / 2bm, MF = 1 / 2mc
So me = MF = FN = en
So the quadrilateral menf is a diamond

-3A square - [a-2a square - (5a-a Square-6) - 3], where a = - 2, simplify the evaluation process!

Original form

It is known that the center of a circle is the coordinate origin, and the radius is 2. From any point on the circle p to the X axis, make a vertical line PP ', and find the locus of the midpoint m of the line PP'

Let the coordinates of point m be (x, y), and point p be (x0, Y0), ∵ m be the midpoint of line segment PP ′, ∵ x = x0, y = Y02, that is, x0 = x, Y0 = 2Y, from the formula of midpoint coordinates, ∵ P (x0, Y0) is on circle x2 + y2 = 4, ∵ X02 + Y02 = 4 & nbsp; ① By substituting x0 = x, Y0 = 2Y into the equation (1), we can get x2 + 4y2 = 4, that is, x24 + y2 = 1. The locus of point m is an ellipse

The following quadratic equations of two variables are transformed so that one of the unknowns is represented by an algebraic expression containing the other
(1) 2x-y-3 = 0 (2) x-2y-3 = 0 (3) 2x + 5y-13 = 0 (4) U-V = 1

(1)x=(y+3)/2 y=2x-3
(2)x=2y+3 y=(x-3)/2
(3)x=(13-5y)/2 y=(13-2x)/5
(4)u=(12+3v)/4 v=(4u-12)/3

Let the volume of the triangular prism abc-a ` B ` C 'be v. P and Q be the points on the side edges AA' and CC 'respectively, and PA = QC, then the volume of the pyramid b-apqc is v_____ .
Steps to take

We idealize the problem and consider that a triangular prism is a regular triangular prism. If both the side length a and the side length h of the bottom surface are 1, then v = SABC * H = (1 / 2) * 1 * 1 * √ 3 / 2 * 1 = √ 3 / 4, then P and Q are the side edges AA ', respectively, and the midpoint of CC' is vb-apqc = (1 / 3) sapqc * √ 3 / 2 = (1 / 3) * √ 3 / 4 (where √ 3 / 2 represents the ABC edge AC of the triangle)

What is the same term of 4 9 16 24 sequence?

If the fourth term is 25, then the same term is an = (n-1) & sup2;

The polynomial M & # 178; (X-2) + m (2-x) is decomposed into factors
