The abbreviation of multimedia PC is______ .

The abbreviation of multimedia PC is______ .

Multimedia PC

The English abbreviation of personal computer is, the Chinese meaning of the English abbreviation UN is, the English abbreviation of the people's Republic of China is,

1:pc(personal computer)
2: UN (United Nations)

The two parts of the quadratic equation AX2 + BX + C = 0 are X1 and x2
Find (1) ix1-x2i and X1 + x2 / 2
(2) Cubic power of X1 + cubic power of x2

Cubic power of X1 + cubic power of x2

Given the square of F (x) = 3-x-x (1), if G (x) = f (X-2) + 3, find the zero point of G (x)

Let g (x) = 0
We obtain x = 4 or - 1

If the inequality is satisfied at the same time: ① X & # 178; - X-2 & gt; 0; ② 2x & # 178; + (5 + 2a) x + 5A & lt; 0, the integer value of X is only - 2, the value range of real number a can be obtained?

Just draw a picture

Given that the vertex of the image of the quadratic function y = ax + BX + C is (1, - 9 / 2) and passes through the point (- 2,0), the relation of the quadratic function is obtained

Let the quadratic function relation be y = a (x-1) ^ 2-9 / 2 (vertex form)
∵ passing point (- 2,0)
∴0=a(-2-1)^2-9/2 ∴a=1/2
Ψ y = 1 / 2 (x-1) ^ 2-9 / 2, i.e. y = 1 / 2x ^ 2-x-4

Here's the question, * is the multiplier sign, and X is the unknown
The digits of a positive integer n are not exactly the same. If you rearrange the digits of N, you will get a maximum number and a minimum decimal. Try to find all such three digit n. rearrange the digits of the three digit n, and the difference between the maximum number and the minimum decimal is exactly equal to the original three digits. 2. In the 3 * 3 grid table, fill in nine different positive integers: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8, And X, so that the sum of the three numbers filled in each row and column is equal. Please determine the value of X and give a way to fill in it. 3. On the number axis, the distance between N point and o point is 4 times of the distance between N point and 30, so what is the number represented by N point? It is equal to the original three digits
Big brother, big sister, help

The number of the first question is 495
Give me a table

ABC is a rational number which is not zero. The absolute value of a is better than that of B. the absolute value of B is better than that of C. The maximum value of M and the minimum value of N. the value of M-N?

If ABC > 0, then M = 3
When a, B, C are all less than 0, that is ABC

Solution equation: 2x + 13 / 3 = 16 / 3 + 6

2X + 13 / 3 = 16 / 3 + 6
2X = 16 / 3 - 13 / 3 + 6
2X = 3 / 3 + 6
X = 2 / 7
Hope to adopt (*^__ ^*)

First find the law, then find the value of X (0.8,0.2) = 5 (3,5) = 1.6 (1 / 2,1 / 3) = 5 / 2, and calculate (x, 1 / 2) = 4

If the sum of two numbers in brackets is used as numerator and the last digit after brackets is used as denominator, then x is equal to 3 / 2