How many kilos is six hundred per thousand minus one hundred per thousand

How many kilos is six hundred per thousand minus one hundred per thousand

600 / 1000-100 / 1000 = 500 / 1000 = 0.5kg

People's education press third day English text Chinese translation unit 1 3A translation ~ best in both English and Chinese ~ urgent

How can you learn better? This week, we asked some students in Xinxing high school about the best way to learn English. Many students said that they learn by using English. Some students gave many specific suggestions. For example, Lilian said that the best way to learn new words is to read magazines

The least common multiple of 18 and 24

The least common multiple of 18 and 24 is 72

If the image of a linear function is parallel to the straight line y = - 12x + 1 and passes through points (4, 3), the analytic expression of the linear function is___ .

∵ the image of a function of degree is parallel to the straight line y = - 12x + 1, ∵ let the analytic expression of a function of degree be y = - 12x + B, and through points (4,3), ∵ 3 = - 12 × 4 + B, the solution is b = 5, ∵ the analytic expression of a function of degree is y = - 12x + 5. So the answer is: y = - 12x + 5

Grade 5 Volume 1 unit 2 composition 500 words

You have a look! Don't copy it! Time flies. In a twinkling of an eye, 20 years later, I have become a world-famous fashion designer. Now I am living a comfortable life in a foreign resort. One day, I was thinking: "most of the places in the world have been there, where can I go to play?" suddenly, I thought of my reason

The ratio of chickens to ducks is 4 to 5. The number of chickens is less than that of ducks (ducks are more than chickens)(

Suppose that there are 4x chickens and 5x ducks, and 5x-4x / 5x = 20%
The number of chickens is 20% less than that of ducks, and the number of ducks is 25% more than that of chickens
To solve this kind of problem, we need to see who is unit one and who is unit one

A particle with a charge of minus 10 to the minus sixth power C passes through two points a and B in the electric field successively, and overcomes the electric field force to do work to the minus fourth power joule of 6 times 10
A particle with a charge of minus 10 to the minus sixth power C passes through two points a and B in the electric field successively, and overcomes the electric field force to do work to the minus fourth power joule of 6 times 10. It is known that the potential of point B is minus 500V. Calculate the potential of point a and the change of the particle's potential energy

Overcome the electric field force to do work, electric field force to do negative work, electric potential energy increases: w = Δ EP = 6x10 ^ - 4J
The potential of point A: w = q Δ u = q (φ B - φ a) = - 10 ^ - 6x (- 500 - φ a)

56 degrees, 25 minutes and 12 seconds are converted into degrees


Why use the definition to prove the limit of sequence of numbers only to prove the existence of N?
The title is to prove LIM (n - > infinity) an = a
Why not prove that the size of the limit is a

This is just a limit and a trend. The sum of the formulas is not equal to A. It is not easy to prove that it is equal to A. We should use the trend of n

Given x = root 3 + 1, find root x2 / (1-2x + x2)

Because x = √ 3 + 1
So x > 0, X-1 > 0
Original formula = √ [x & # 178; / (1-2x + X & # 178;)]