If a monotone increasing interval of even function f (x) whose domain is R is (2,6), then a monotone increasing interval of function f (2-x) is?

If a monotone increasing interval of even function f (x) whose domain is R is (2,6), then a monotone increasing interval of function f (2-x) is?

F (x) is an even function, f (2-x) = f (X-2). A monotone increasing interval of F (2-x) is a monotone increasing interval of F (X-2). F (X-2) is equivalent to translating f (x) two units to the right, so the monotone increasing interval is (4,8)

Who invented the copper abacus?

The ancient Romans invented the copper abacus. In the 17th century, the British invented the slide rule and the French invented the mechanical calculator
In 1940s, American scientists invented the earliest computer

How to solve the equation of 1 / 6 {1 / 4 [1 / 3 (1 / 2 x-1) + 3] + 5} = 1?

X = 8 (finished)

Given A-B = 1, B + C = 1, find the value of (a square + 2B square + C Square) divided by 2 + BC ab

The molecule can be transformed into (a-b) square + 2Ab + (B + C) square-2bc, which is equal to 2 + 2ab-2bc
Give me some ideas first, and then think about it

Let x, y and a be integers, | x | = 1-A | y | = 2 + 2a-a square, then a =?


A store will raise the price of a commodity by 40% and then sell it at a 20% discount on New Year's day to thank new and old customers for their patronage. The price is 224 yuan. How much is the cost price of this commodity?

Suppose the cost price of this commodity is x yuan, from the meaning of the question: X (1 + 40%) × 0.8 = 224, the solution is: x = 200. Answer: the cost price of this commodity is 200 yuan

What is the scientific notation of 123.56

1.2356 times 100

What is the value of m when the solution of equation 5x-2m = 2x-4x + 5 is between 2 and 6 (excluding 2,6)?
Five apples weigh 1kg, which is worth 5 yuan; 15 oranges weigh 1kg, which is worth 4 yuan. Now I plan to buy 20 oranges and some apples, which weigh less than 4.5kg and are worth more than 19 yuan. How many apples should I buy?

1 4.5<m<18.5
20 oranges weigh 4 / 3kg, and the value is 16 / 3 yuan. An apple costs 1 yuan. When you buy 14 or more apples, the value is more than 19 yuan. An apple weighs 0.2kg. When you buy 15 or less apples, the weight is less than 4.5kg. So you should buy 14 or 15 apples

It is known that in the parallelogram ABCD, ab = 1 / 2BC, extend AB to f to make BF = AB, then extend Ba to e to make AE = Ba, judge the position relationship between EC and FD, and
Why is it that if BC = be = AF = ad, the angle can be equal? 、

If BC = 2Ab, BC = be = AF = ad, then BC = be = AF = ad, BC = be = AF = ad, BC = be = AF = ad, BC = be = AF = ad, BC = be = AF = AF = ad, BC = be = AF = AF = ad, BC = be = AF = AF = AF = AF = AF = ad, BC = be = be = AF = AF = AF = AF = AF = AF = AF = AF = AF = AF

( 1/10-1)( 1/11-1)( 1/12-1)…… (1/99 -1)(1/100 -1)

=(-9/10)(-10/11)(-11/12)…… (-99/100)
A total of 100-9 = 91 brackets, that is, an odd number of minus signs
So the result is negative
Denominator of the preceding bracket and numerator of the following bracket