Find out the mistakes in the following English sentences and correct them 1、His uncle is going to return back from Australia next week. 2、There was a pen on the floor and Linda picked up it. 3、Mike and his friend decided to go for ride on Sunday. 4、Why didn't your friend David finished his homework last week? 5、Mr Smith noticed the bottles in the room was all in pieces.

Find out the mistakes in the following English sentences and correct them 1、His uncle is going to return back from Australia next week. 2、There was a pen on the floor and Linda picked up it. 3、Mike and his friend decided to go for ride on Sunday. 4、Why didn't your friend David finished his homework last week? 5、Mr Smith noticed the bottles in the room was all in pieces.

1 remove the back
Return return, itself = come back, followed by back is obviously redundant
2. Change picked up it to picked up it
When pick up is used with pronouns like it, pronouns like it need to be put in the middle
Add an a after 3 for
Go for a ride
4 finished to finish
The auxiliary verb "didn't" has been used in the front
The following predicate should use the prototype
5 was changed to be
Bottles is plural
So we should use were

Find out the mistakes in the following sentences and correct them
1.Would you like to come to having supper?
2.My friend Tim usually play table tennis with his classmates.
3.A long time ago ,people think the sun went aroud the earth.
But now,we know the earth go around the sun.
4.Jim,do you want to buy a MP4?
5.Have you got much friends in America?
6.Is there lots of rainy this summer in your city?
7.You must play with fire.It 's dangerous.
8.Two years later,the Olympic Games will be hold in China.
9.some people don't likes number 13.
They think 13 is a unlucky number.
There are two mistakes in Article 3 and Article 9 respectively!

1,having -> have
2,play -> plays
3,think -> thought,go -> goes
4,a -> an
5,much -> any
6,rainy -> rain
7,must -> mustn't
8,hold -> held
9,likes -> like,a ->an

There is one mistake in the following sentences. Find out and correct it
1.The sun is bigger and brighter than moon
2.The air in the country is much fresher than in the city
3.Jim's coat is the baddest of aii

1.the moon
2. Than that stands for the air
3. The highest level of bad is worst

The ratio of length to width of a rectangle is 5:4, and the circumference of the rectangle is 36cm. What are its length and width respectively?

36 △ 2 = 18 (CM), 5 + 4 = 9, 18 × 59 = 10 (CM), 18 × 49 = 8 (CM); a: its length is 10 cm and its width is 8 cm

Y = ax square + BX + C (a is not equal to 0, a is not equal to c) passes through point a (1.0), the vertex is B, and the parabola does not pass through the third quadrant
(1) (2) judge the quadrant of point B and explain the reason

(1) ∵ over point a
(2) The parabola does not pass through the third quadrant
∴a>0 c≥0
And x = - B / 2A > 0 or x = - B / 2a0 y = (4ac-a & # 178; - 2ac-c & # 178;) / 4A = - (A-C) &# 178;) / 4A ≤ 0
The vertex B is in the fourth quadrant or in the positive direction of X axis

How many tons is a cubic stone?

Discussion on the maximum dry density control standard of lime flyash macadam from "super density" Liu haoying Ding Zhan Xu Zhenguang [Xuzhou Highway Management Office Xuzhou 221002] Abstract: Based on the determination of the structural state and compaction characteristics of subgrade mixture, this paper puts forward three maximum dry density control standards: heavy compaction standard value, test road recommended value and theoretical calculation value

How to judge a polynomial to several degree?

For example:
3x & sup3; y + 4x & sup2; y. add the degree of the unknown of each monomial, and the largest number is the degree of the polynomial
In this question, 3x & sup3; y is a binomial of degree four, because 3 + 1,4x & sup2; y is a binomial of degree three, because 2 + 1,4 > 3, so the degree of this polynomial is degree four

What's the name of curve integral symbol with circle
We know that the sign of an integral is a sign like S. if there is a circle on the sign, what integral is it?
This is it: ∮
What's the difference between ∮ and ∫

It means integrating a closed curve or surface

Give a volume conversion table
Including the cubic power of CM, ML, l, all of them
Don't be too professional,


(a + b) ² = A & #178; + 2Ab + B & #178; and (a-b) ² = A & #178; - 2Ab + B & #178; what are their relations and differences

Connection: both are complete square formulas, where (a + b) &# 178; - (a-b) &# 178; = 4AB
Difference: one is and the other is difference