The average weight of Xiaoming and Xiaoliang is 41.5kg. The average weight of Xiaoliang and Xiaoqiang is 46kg. The average weight of Xiaoming and Xiaoqiang is 45.5kg. What's the weight of Xiaoming, Xiaoliang and Xiaoqiang? Formula

The average weight of Xiaoming and Xiaoliang is 41.5kg. The average weight of Xiaoliang and Xiaoqiang is 46kg. The average weight of Xiaoming and Xiaoqiang is 45.5kg. What's the weight of Xiaoming, Xiaoliang and Xiaoqiang? Formula

Let them be XYZ
①x+y/2=41.5 ②x+z/2=46 ③y+z/2=45.5
x+y=83 x+z=92 y+z=91
X=42 Y=41 Z=50

After Xiao Gang gave Xiao Ming three cards, he asked Xiao Gang how many cards he had

Xiaoming's cards account for 11 / 16 of the total number of the two, and Xiaogang's cards account for 5 / 16 of the total number of the two. Xiaoming has 6 / 16 more than Xiaogang. If Xiaoming gives 15 cards to Xiaogang, they have the same number of digital cards. This shows that Xiaoming has 30 more cards than Xiaogang

Xiao Ming and Xiao Gang collected 121 cards. It is known that 1 / 5 of Xiao Ming's cards is equal to 1 / 6 of Xiao Gang's cards. How many cards do Xiao Ming and Xiao Gang collect each

The number ratio of Xiaoming and Xiaogang cards is 1 / 6:1 / 5 = 5:6
5 + 6 = 11
Xiaoming 121x5 / 11 = 55 sheets
Xiaogang 121-55 = 66

7x+5x=42 7(x-2)=1.


How to publish a composition in a newspaper?

It also depends on how well you write. If you want everyone to publish a composition in the newspaper, the editors of the newspaper must choose the better one to publish. In addition, in order to test whether your article is good enough to publish, you can write to the newspaper you like and send your composition to them so that they can

How many tons is 33811 Jin? How to calculate

33811 / 2 / 1000 = 16.9055 tons

Calculation: 9 ﹣ 13 + 13 ﹣ 9 + 11 ﹣ 13 + 14 ﹣ 9 + 6 ﹣ 13=______ .

So the answer is: 5

Xiao Ming calculates 15 competitive questions, and gets 8 points for one right question, and 3 points for one wrong question. Xiao Ming gets 76 points, and how many questions does he get right

Let the equation be right X and wrong 15-x

Put the eight numbers 1-8 into the □ of the following formula, so that the operation is natural and as small as possible. (hint: 1 / 2 + 1 / 3 + 1 / 6 = 1)

1/3 + 2/8 + 5/4 + 7/6 = 3

As shown in the figure, a square piece of paper with a side length of 18 cm is cut at an angle of 45 ° from 5 cm away from the four corners with scissors. A small square will be formed in the middle of the paper. What is the area of the small square?

Because Ma = MB = 5cm, so AB2 = 52 + 52 = 50 is exactly equal to the area of the small square in the middle, so the area of the small square is 50cm2. A: the area of the small square is 50cm2