Xiao Ming and Xiao Gang's money is 0.75 yuan more than Xiao Ming's and 1.48 yuan more than Xiao Gang's There should be a formula

Xiao Ming and Xiao Gang's money is 0.75 yuan more than Xiao Ming's and 1.48 yuan more than Xiao Gang's There should be a formula

thirty-four thousand two hundred and thirty-one
two hundred and thirty-two

The water content in children's body is about 4 / 5 of their body weight. The body weight of Xiaogang is 15 / 16 of their body weight,
What is the moisture content in xiaogangti?

46 * (15 / 16) * (4 / 5) = 34.5kg

The water in children's body accounts for about 4 / 5 of their body weight. If Xiaoming has 28 kg of water in his body, how much is Xiaoming's weight?
First, write out the relation that suits the meaning of the question, then make the equation, no need to answer_ ∩ ) O

Weight of water △ 4 / 5 = weight of Xiaoming
Xiaoming = 28 △ 4 / 5 = 35kg

Let C = 0, the univariate quadratic equations x ^ 2 + ax + BC = 0 and x ^ 2 + BX + Ca = 0 have a common root
Proof: the other two roots of the two equations are the roots of the equation x ^ 2 + CX + AB = 0,

C = 0, then:
Equation 1: x + AX = 0, X (x + a) = 0, X1 = 0, X2 = - A
Equation 2: x + BX = 0, X (x + b) = 0, X1 = 0, X2 = - B
Equation 3: x + CX + AB = 0, if C = 0, then: A and B are opposite numbers, X1 = a, X2 = B, X3 = - A, X4 = - B. (because a and B are opposite numbers, so the roots of X are a, B and - A, - B are equivalent.)
To sum up, when C = 0, equation 1 and equation 2 have a common root: 0, and the other two roots - A and - B are the roots of equation 3

The name plate of a small bulb is marked with 220V 40W
What is the rated power?
What is its actual power at 200V?
What is the actual power at 230V?
What is the resistance of the bulb to light normally?
1. What is the rated power?
2. What is its actual power at 200V?
3. What is the actual power when working at 230V?
4. What is the resistance of the bulb to light normally?

The rated power is 40W,
At 200V, the actual power is 40W,
When working at 230V, the actual power is 230 ^ 2 / (220 ^ 2 / 40) = 43.7w,
The resistance of normal light emission of bulb = 220 ^ 2 / 40 = 1210 ohm,
Have been online do not understand, you can ask!

Find Cauchy theorem detailed proof method, find how to construct auxiliary function to prove Cauchy theorem detailed method
Thank you very much. I'm a freshman

Let H (x) = [f (b) - f (a)] * g (x) - [g (b) - G (a)] * f (x)
It is easy to know that h (x) is continuous on [a, b], and (a, b) is internally differentiable, and H (a) = H (b)
According to Rolle's theorem, there exists ξ ∈ (a, b) such that H '(ξ) = [f (b) - f (a)] * g' (ξ) - [g (b) - G (a)] * f (ξ) = 0
The conclusion of Cauchy mean value theorem is obtained

The name plate of an electric water heater is marked with the words "220 V, 1500 W". When it is electrified for 1.5 hours, the consumed electric energy is_____ What is the internal energy transformed into______ coke

W = Pt = 1.5KW * 1.5h = 2.25kwh = 2.25oc
Q = w = 2.25 kwh = 2.25 * 3.6 * 10 ^ 6 = 8.1 * 10 ^ 6 joules

Factorization of QAQ


Rated voltage of 220 V bulb connected to 110 V power supply, the power of the bulb is the original number

Since the power P = V ^ 2 / R, assuming that the resistance of the bulb does not change with the change of temperature, the power of the 220 V bulb connected to the 110 V power supply will be 1 / 4 of the original power
In fact, when the power of the bulb decreases, the temperature of the filament will decrease, and the resistance of the filament will decrease, so the actual power will be greater than 1 / 4 of the original power

Given that the ratio of the degrees of the four outer angles of the quadrilateral ABCD is 3:4:5:6, what are the degrees of the inner angles of the quadrilateral?

Let the degrees of the four outer angles of the quadrilateral be 3k, 4K, 5K and 6K respectively. Then, from 3K + 4K + 5K + 6K = 360, k = 20 is obtained. Thus, the four outer angles are 60 °, 80 °, 100 ° and 120 ° respectively. Therefore, the degrees of the inner angles of the quadrilateral are 120 °, 100 °, 80 ° and 60 ° respectively