A, B and C often go to the library to read books. A goes once every three days, B goes once every four days and C goes once every five days. On August 2, they all went to the library So what month and day did they meet again in the library?

A, B and C often go to the library to read books. A goes once every three days, B goes once every four days and C goes once every five days. On August 2, they all went to the library So what month and day did they meet again in the library?

The least common multiple of 3,4,5 is 3 × 4 × 5 = 60
So 60 days later
August 31 days, September 30 days
So it's October 1st

A, B and C go to the library to read a book. A goes every five days, B goes every four days, C goes every three days. Three people meet on March 1st. When is the next day for three people to meet

3x4x5 = 60 (days) 1 + 60 = 61 (days) March = 31 days 61-31 = 30 (days) April 30 days

How to cut a 15 cm long and 10 cm wide rectangular paperboard into a 3 cm high paperboard without cover? And find out its volume
Please, come on

10-3=7 15-3=12
Cut a 3 cm square off each corner of the cardboard

It is used to describe the average ()

Average speed: used to describe the average speed of an object moving in a variable speed linear motion over a certain distance

(1)(3x-2)^2=2(3x-2) (2)2x(5x-3)+(3-5x)^2=0

1) (3x-2)^2=2(3x-2)

It is known that the radius of the sector AOB is 6cm, the degree of the central angle is 120 ° and if the sector is enclosed into a cone, the side area of the enclosed cone is______  cm2.

The side area of the cone is n π R & nbsp; 2360 = 12 π cm 2, so the answer is 12 π

Do you have the answers of physics innovation guide manual, chemistry learning strategy guide manual, mathematics supplementary exercises and exercise book?
That's the name of a book!

First, get up at 6:10 every day. Open MP5 while listening to English, while washing and eating. Second, after arriving at school, use the time before class to see what to say today and review yesterday's things. Third, make full use of each class, listen carefully, ask questions, and exchange learning experience and problem-solving methods with surrounding students

Several problems of absolute value inequality
1. If the solution set of inequality (A & sup2; - 1) x & sup2; - (a + 1) x + 1 > 0 about X is r, the value range of real number a is obtained
2. On the inequality ax & sup2; + BX + C > 0 of X, the solution set is [x | α < x < β] and α β < 0, try to find the solution set of Cx & sup2; - BX + a < 0
To process will add points ~ thank you
Do you have a complete one? I just can't understand it. I came to ask for help. Thank you. Who can help

1. If the solution set of inequality (A & sup2; - 1) x & sup2; - (a + 1) x + 1 > 0 about X is r, find the value range of real number a, and discuss the quadratic inequality and the coefficient of quadratic term. When a & sup2; - 1 = 0, that is, when a = 1, the solution set of - 2x + 1 > 0 x is not r (rounding off) and when a = - 1, the solution set of 1 > 0 x is R (true)

The area of the circle is equal to the area of the rectangle, the radius is equal to the width, the circumference of the circle is 6.28cm, and how many cm is the circumference of the rectangle?

Circle area 3.14 * r * r = rectangle area length * width = length * r length = 3.14 * r
R = 6.28/3.14/2 = 1 length = 3.14 * 1 = 3.14
Perimeter = (1 + 3.14) * 2 = 8.28cm
The circumference of the rectangle is 8.28cm

It is known that the edge length of the cube abcd-a'b'c'd 'is a, and it is proved that BD' is perpendicular to b'ac

Connect AC
Because it's a cube
So b'b ⊥ AB, b'b ⊥ BC, because AB and BC intersect with B,
So b'b ⊥ plane ABCD, because AC belongs to plane ABCD,
So BB '⊥ AC,
Because it's a cube, so AC ⊥ BD, and because BD and BB 'are called B,
So AC ⊥ plane bb'd,
So AC ⊥ BD '
Connect a'd,
A'B '⊥ plane a'd'da
So d'a ⊥ a'B ', because ad' ⊥ a'd
And a'd, a'B 'intersect with a',
So ad '⊥ plane a'db'
So ad '⊥ db',
And because ad 'and AC are handed over to a
So DB ′⊥ plane ACD ′