Do you go to the library to read in the evening? Do you go to the Spring Festival party in the evening

Do you go to the library to read in the evening? Do you go to the Spring Festival party in the evening

In the evening, do you go to the library to read or attend the Spring Festival party?

In the evening, you go to the library to read. In the evening, you go to the Spring Festival party?

In the evening, you can go to the library to read a book or attend the Spring Festival party
In the evening, you can not only read in the library, but also attend the Spring Festival party

The new library has opened. Xiao Hong goes to the library every three days and Xiao Ling goes every four days. How many days after Xiao Hong and Xiao Ling meet in the library one day, they may meet again in the library?

The new library has opened. Xiao Hong goes to the library every three days and Xiao Ling goes every four days. May I ask Xiao Hong and Xiao Ling, after meeting in the library one day, they may meet again in the library after 12 days

AB is the diameter of circle O, M is the midpoint of inferior arc AC, the intersection of Xuan AC and BM D, angle ABC = 2, angle a, proving that ad = DC

AB is the diameter of the circle, and the angle ACB is 90 degrees. From the angle ABC = 2, the angle a is 30 degrees, and the angle ABC is 60 degrees,
M is the midpoint of the inferior arc AC, and BM is the angular bisector of the angle ABC,
In triangle ADB, ad = dB, in triangle DCB, DB = 2dc
It can be concluded that this problem is a wrong one,
The correct way to ask is to prove ad = 2dc

Given a (0, - 3) B (2,3), let p be a point on the parabola x ^ 2 = y, find the minimum value of △ PAB area and get the minimum value
Given a (0, - 3) B (2,3), let p be a point on the parabola X & sup2; = y, find the minimum value of △ PAB area and the coordinates of point P when the minimum value is taken

AB is 3x-y-3 = 0
|Ab | length is constant
So as long as the height is the minimum, that is, P to AB is the minimum
So p (a, a & sup2;)
Distance = | 3a-a & sup2; - 3 | / √ 10
So a = 3 / 2, the minimum distance = (3 / 4) / √ 10
Area = 2 √ 10 * (3 / 4) / √ 10 △ 2
So p (3 / 2,9 / 4)
Minimum area = 3 / 4

As shown in the figure, given the square ABCD, e is the midpoint of AB, f is a point on ad, eg ⊥ CF and AF = 1 / 4AD,
To prove 1 / 4AB & sup2; = CG × FG

It is known from the title: AF = 1 / 2be, AE = 1 / 2BC, so RT △ EBC ∽ RT ∽ FAE, so ∽ FEG + ∽ BEC = 90 ° and EF = 1 / 2ec, so △ FEC is RT ⊥ and eg ⊥ CF, so RT ∽ FEG ∽ RT ∽ ECG ∽ RT ∽ EBC ∽ RT ∽ faefg = 1 / 2EG and eg = 1 / 2cgfg = 1 / 4cg

Given that X1 and X2 are solutions of the equation x ^ - 2x-5 = 0, find X1 ^ + x1x2 + x2 ^ (^ = Square)


In the plane rectangular coordinate system, O is the origin, given a (- 3, - 1), B (4,1), C (4, - 3), then the projection of vector BA in the direction of vector OC is______ .
My answer is - 22 / 5

Vector Ba = (- 7, - 2),
Vector OC = (4, - 3),
Then the projection of vector BA in the direction of vector OC is the inner product of two vectors divided by the length of OC
Length of OC = 5
Inner product = - 7 × 4 + (- 2) × (- 3) = - 22
So the result is - 22 / 5
The result is the same as yours

On the problem of division of polynomials! Urgent, even if only understand one also does not matter, answer at least one can!
When divide = 2x & # 179; - 3x & # 178; + X + 4, quotient = 2x-1, remainder = 2x + 3
Find the divisor
2.6x & # 179; + X & # 178; + MX + n is divided by 2x-1, m and N are integers, and & nbsp; quotient = 3x & # 178; + 2x + 1, & nbsp; remainder = 2
Find the values of M and n
It doesn't matter if you only know one, you can answer at least one! & nbsp;

1. Divisor = [dividedremainder] / quotient
Therefore, its divisor is: X & # 178; - X-1
2. Divide = divisor × quotient + remainder
Because the divisor is: 6x & # 179; + X & # 178; + MX + n
So, M = 0, n = 1

In the cube abcd-a'b'c'd ', m n is the sine of the angle of the straight line cm and d'm, which is the midpoint of aa'bb'

Let the side length be 2
According to Pythagorean theorem
The angle between cm and d'm is CMD '
That is, the sine of the angle between the straight line cm and d'm = 2 √ 5 / 5
(seems to have nothing to do with n)
Welcome to ask