My father bought a cylindrical birthday cake for my daughter Yuanyuan. Yuanyuan wanted to cut the cake into several pieces (no less than 10 pieces) that were not necessarily equal in size, and give them to 10 children. If she cut the cake vertically, she should at least cut it______ A knife

My father bought a cylindrical birthday cake for my daughter Yuanyuan. Yuanyuan wanted to cut the cake into several pieces (no less than 10 pieces) that were not necessarily equal in size, and give them to 10 children. If she cut the cake vertically, she should at least cut it______ A knife

Let n be cut, then according to the analysis, we can get: n × (n + 1) 2 ≥ 10, and the solution is: n ≥ 4

Help, father's birthday. What's on the birthday cake
I don't have to. I want something new. My father is 54 years old

Every year has today, every year has this time

On his father's birthday, Xiao Ping ordered a cylindrical birthday cake for his father. The bottom of the cake is 40 cm in diameter and 10 cm in height. The salesman is going to put it in a rectangular food box of 35 cm in length, 35 cm in width and 15 cm in height
1. What's the volume of the cake?
2. What is the volume of the food box?
3. How many meters is the total length of the ribbon if the salesperson cross ties the ribbon?

1. Volume of cake (40 △ 2) ^ 2x3.14x10 = 12560 cubic centimeter
2. The volume of food box is 35x35x15 = 18375 cubic centimeter
3. The total length of the binding ribbon is (35 + 15) x2x2 = 200 cm
The problem is to make it, but actually this box can't hold the cake. The cake is 35 cm long, 35 cm wide, and the bottom of the cake is 40 cm in diameter

What is the role of glacial acetic acid as a food additive?
Is it antiseptic?

In food industry, acetic acid is a specified acidity regulator in the list of food additives E260. It is used as food acidifier, flavor enhancer, flavoring agent, preservative, pickling agent and pigment diluent

What is the abbreviation of M for g = mg

n. Quality

What is LN and how to calculate it?

The logarithm based on constant e is called natural logarithm, denoted ln n (n > 0)
E is an infinite acyclic decimal whose value is about 2.718281828
Equivalent to logarithm

Does the longitude between 160 and 180 degrees east belong to the west longitude or the east longitude

East longitude is from 0 ° to 180 ° East
From 180 ° east to 0 ° west longitude
Between 160 and 180 degrees east longitude is east longitude

Any nonzero natural number and its reciprocal are opposite to each other,

2 and 1 / 2 are reciprocal
2 and - 2 are opposite numbers. They are different concepts

1. Combined with the image, write the equation SiNx = cosx, X belongs to the solution of (0,3 π),
2. Judge the number of real number solutions of the equation SiNx = x by combining images

That is, x = π / 4,5 π / 4,9 π / 4
2. Drawing the images of y = SiNx and y = x respectively, we can see that they have three intersections, that is, there are three solutions
Think about it carefully!

Two and a quarter of an hour equals () hours () minutes

Two and a quarter of an hour is equal to (2) hours and (15) minutes