Xiao Li originally planned to finish reading a book in 10 days, while Xiao Gang originally planned to finish it in 12 days. How many times does Xiao Gang read this book every day compared with Xiao Li?

Xiao Li originally planned to finish reading a book in 10 days, while Xiao Gang originally planned to finish it in 12 days. How many times does Xiao Gang read this book every day compared with Xiao Li?


Xiao Gang read a book. He planned to read 15 pages a day and finish it in 16 days. Actually, he read 5 more pages a day. How many days did he finish it?

15 * 16 / (15 + 5) = 12 (days)

How to calculate 53 * 53-2 * 53 * 23 + 23 * 23 simple calculation method

Square of (53-23) = 900

It is known that the equations of two curves are X & # 178; + Y & # 178; = 17 and xy = 4, which means that the quadrilateral whose vertex is their intersection is a rectangle

The coordinates of four intersections can be obtained by simultaneous equations: (1,4) (- 1, - 4) (1, - 4) (- 1,4)
When you draw a picture in rectangular coordinates, it's not hard to see that it's a rectangle

If the solution set of inequality x ^ 2 + ax + A-2 > 0 is r, then the set of values of a is r

Discriminant = a ^ 2-4 * (A-2)
It can be seen that the discriminant is always greater than 0, so a has no solution

Vertical calculation. 3.2 × 17 (the first answer is adopted)

x 1 7
2 2 4
3 2
5 4 4
So 3.2 × 17 = 54.4

Find the limit Lim [e ^ xsinx-x (1 + x)] / x ^ 3, where x tends to 0

Continuous use of the Robida rule:
The original formula = Lim [e ^ x (SiNx + cosx) - 1-2x] / (3x & # 178;)
= lim ( 2e^x cosx -2 ) / 6x
=lim e^x (cosx - sinx) / 3
= 1/3


1s I haven't heard of it!
2S refers to the special repair station, which provides vehicle maintenance and parts supply
3S is the acronym of three English words of sales, spare parts supply and after-sales service. It is an automobile service enterprise integrating three functions
4S is vehicle sales, spare parts supply, after-sales service and survey. Automobile 4S shop is an automobile service enterprise that integrates these four functions
5S originated in Japan, is the Japanese Seiri (collation), Seiton (Consolidation), Seiso (cleaning), Seiketsu (cleaning), Shitsuke (cultivation) these five words, because the five words before the pronunciation is "s", so collectively referred to as "5S"
6S adds safety to 5S
Some add save and safety on the basis of 5S to form 7S, and some add shiukanka, service and Shikoku to form "10s". However, the so-called "6S", "7S" and "10s" are derived from "5S"



When there is an index, how can the inequality sign be changed into logarithmic form? How can the index be changed while the logarithm is on the one hand?
For example, if the x square of 0.8 is less than 0.05, it seems to change the sign. So why is x < log8 (0.05) instead of x > log (0.05)

This is related to the monotonicity of exponential function and logarithmic function, that is, to the size of the base
In short, if 0