Library science and technology books are 240 less than literature and art books. The number of literature and art books is four times that of science and technology books. How many science and technology books are there

Library science and technology books are 240 less than literature and art books. The number of literature and art books is four times that of science and technology books. How many science and technology books are there

According to the given conditions of the title, the following binary linear equations are obtained
Y-X = 240 ①; y = 240x ②. The solution is: x = 80, y = 320
That is, 80 science and technology books and 320 arts books

There are 650 science and technology books in the school library. The number of literature and art books is more than 3 times of that of science and technology books. How many science and technology books and literature and art books are there in the library?

650 × 3 + 45 = 1995
1995 + 650 = 2645
A: a total of 2645 copies
Hope to adopt!

The usage of strcat function in MATLAB
What's the meaning of "file name = strcat" ('d: thesis, data, GAMIT, coordinate \ ', yr,' \ ', model, yr,'. Org '), please explain the meaning in brackets

The syntax combinedstr = strcat (S1, S2,..., Sn) describes that the array S1, S2,..., Sn is horizontally connected into a single string and stored in the variable combinedstr

How much is a quarter

1 yuan = 10 Jiao = 100 Fen. 4 jiao 5 fen = 0.45 yuan

The area of a triangle glass with a base of 36 cm and a height of 26 cm and its parallelogram with the same base and height is () square cm

The area of a triangle glass base 36 cm, height 26 cm and its parallelogram with equal base and height is (936) square cm
36 × 26 = 936 cm2

What does "H" represent in the vertex formula y = a (X-H) ^ 2 + k of quadratic function?

X = h is the axis of symmetry of the parabola

If 4x ^ 2-2mx + 9 is a complete square, then the value of M is zero

If 4x ^ 2-2mx + 9 is a complete square, then the value of M is zero
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A parallelogram frame with a base of 20 cm and a height of 15 cm is pulled into a rectangle. At this time, the area is increased by 60 square cm. What is the width of the rectangle?

A: the width of a rectangle is 18 cm

Function application, image, for example, the coefficient of X is negative, is the quadrant of a function. Find the knowledge about this part

If the coefficient of X of a function is negative, if the image passes through quadrants two or four, and the constant is regular one two four, then it is negative, two three four. If the coefficient is positive, then it is one three, but the constant is regular one two three, and vice versa, negative one three four

If the partial derivative of F (x, y) exists and is bounded in a certain field of point (x, y), it is proved that the function is continuous at the change point
partial derivative
If the partial derivative of F (x, y) in a certain field of point (x, y) exists and is bounded, it is proved that the function is continuous at the change point