The first 3 s, the third s, the beginning of the third s, the end of the second s, the beginning of the second s to the end of the sixth s The first 3S, the 3S, the beginning of 3S, the end of 2S, the beginning of 2s to the end of 6S I've been completely confused about how to express these time on the number axis

The first 3 s, the third s, the beginning of the third s, the end of the second s, the beginning of the second s to the end of the sixth s The first 3S, the 3S, the beginning of 3S, the end of 2S, the beginning of 2s to the end of 6S I've been completely confused about how to express these time on the number axis

One by one, one by one
One two three four five six
Look at the top line, assuming that there is no space for a period of time with a table of one second
The first 3S represents the sum of the three straight lines
The third s is the line of three
The beginning of the third second is the beginning of the line
But in fact, there is no space in time, which also represents the end of 2S
From the beginning of 2s to the end of 6S, it represents the sum of the five straight lines of 23456

Sequence 1,2 / 3,4 / 9,8 / 27 ,2^2n-1/3^n-1…… The sum of each item of is equal to
Sequence 1,2 / 3,4 / 9,8 / 27 ,2^n-1/3^n-1…… The sum of each item of is equal to
It should be this

The common ratio is 2 / 3,
Then we use the sum formula of equal ratio sequence
If n tends to infinity, Sn tends to 3

Exponential logarithm?
I didn't go to high school. I learned by myself. I'm confused,
Please tell me which one
I don't want the copies
I want to hear something easy to understand

For example, 2 to the third power equals 8
So 3 is called the logarithm of 8 with 2 as the base
Log2 (8) = 3
Supplementary formula: a * loga (n) = n loga (n) = logb (n) / logb (a)

According to the integer m, enter the integer m from the keyboard, calculate the value of the following formula, y = 1 + 1 / 2! + 1 / 3! + 1 / m! For example, if M = 6, the output should be 1.718056

int main()
int m, i;
double y = 0, t = 1;
scanf("%d", &m);
for (i = 1; i

What is the specific scope of the resettlement area in the Three Gorges Reservoir area? What is the area? What is the proportion of Chongqing and Hubei? What is the natural situation? What is the social and economic situation at the end of 2006 or 2007? What is the land use situation in different periods?
What about the soil erosion in the resettlement area of the Three Gorges Reservoir area?

In the process of the construction of the Three Gorges project, 8462000 people will be resettled in the reservoir area. Considering the natural growth of population, about 1.13 million people will be resettled when the project is completed in 2009

Finding the limit x tends to 0 LIM (e ^ - 1) / SiNx 1 using the property of equivalent infinitesimal
lim (e^x-1)/sinx


There are 90 students in class A and class B of grade 6 in a primary school. If four students are transferred from Class A to class B, the ratio of class A to class B is 4:5, and the ratio of class A to the whole school is 2:35. How many students are there in a primary school?

A: 90 △ (4 + 5) × 4 + 4 = 44 people
Total number of primary schools: 44 △ 2 × 35 = 770


-23 + (+ 58) - (- 5) = - 23 + 58 + 5 = - 23 + 63 = 40

It is proved that the limit of the sequence {an} is equal to 0 if and only if the limit of the absolute value of {an} is equal to 0

I'll just talk about the key step. If we prove it by definition, for any E > 0

X + 2 / 15 + 2 / 5 = 3 / 4 solution
