The current price of a commodity is the price after 10% price increase. How many points should the price be reduced to restore the original price?

The current price of a commodity is the price after 10% price increase. How many points should the price be reduced to restore the original price?

Original price: 1
Current price: 1 + 10% = 11 / 10
(11 / 10-1) △ 11 / 10 = 1 / 11, the price should be reduced by 1 / 11

Square of 1, square of 2, square of 3. Single digit number of sum of squares of 123456789

I found out the rule: Analysis: the end number of 1 ^ 2 and 11 ^ 2,21 ^ 2.111 ^ 2121 ^ 2. As long as the end is 1, it is the end number of 12 ^ 2 and 22 ^ 2,12 ^ 2,32 ^ 2. As long as the end is 2, it is 43 ^ 2,13 ^ 2. It is 94 ^ 2. It is 65 ^ 2. It is 56 ^ 2. It is 67 ^ 2. It is 98 ^ 2. It is 49

Please calculate: mother squirrel picks 20 pine nuts every day on sunny days and 12 on rainy days. She picks 112 pine nuts for several days in a row, with an average of 14 per day. How many days are there sunny days and rainy days?

Suppose there are x sunny days and Y rainy days in these days. According to the meaning of the question, we get 20x + 12Y = 112x + y = 11214, and the solution is x = 2Y = 6. A: there are two sunny days and six rainy days in these days

How to find a way to do math problems?

First of all, you need to know that every time you get a question, it's very important to read the question. You need to read the question clearly and find out the key information. Every condition in the question is useful. You need to write the conclusion of each condition, and then look at the relationship with the question. From then on, the math problem is very easy to do, but the premise is

Understanding of water and experience of saving water

Although water is a renewable resource, it will be exhausted one day if we don't use it sparingly
It seems that it is difficult to promote water conservation. It seems that as long as we don't pay, we can be free to use extravagantly and wastefully. This is probably related to the values of the only child. Many of the only children born in the 1980s are very wasteful. In other words, their thinking is too narrow. No resources are a common concept of human beings, or even if they have such a concept, it is difficult to restrict their own behavior in practice, There is no sense of economy

People's education press fifth grade Chinese Volume II unit 1 synonyms antonyms polysyllabic words

Lesson one:
Synonyms: exaggeration -- contrast circuitous -- twists and turns, exclamation -- surprise realm -- situation Outline -- Outline -- restraint -- formality
Antonym: circuitous -- straight and lovely -- hateful restraint -- free and easy and shy -- generous and intimate -- cold and quiet -- lively

As shown in the figure, both the quadrilateral ABCD and the quadrilateral efcd are parallelograms. Is the quadrilateral ABCD a parallelogram? Explain your reasons

The quadrilateral ABCD is a parallelogram. Reason: ∵ the quadrilateral ABCD is a parallelogram, ∥ ab ∥ EF and ab = EF. Similarly, EF ∥ DC and EF = DC, ∥ ab ∥ CD and ab = CD, ∥ the quadrilateral ABCD is a parallelogram

How many items are there in odd sequence

Common (2n-1 + 1) △ 2 = n

English questions (judgment questions)
1.I won't come to the party unless Tom is invited, too.
2.I won't come to the party unless Tom is invited, either.
Hello! Is the above two sentences right? Reason? Thank you!

First of all, I won't come to the party unless Tom is invited
The question is whether either emphasizes I won't come to the party or unless Tom is invited
If it's spoken, we can know whether it's "also not participated" or "not invited" through the tone. But in written language, if we put "either" at the end of the sentence, there will be ambiguity if there is no more specific language environment
Therefore, as far as an isolated sentence is concerned, the sentence should be adjusted as follows according to different emphases:
  Unless Tom is invited,I won't come to the party,either.
  Unless Tom is invited,either,I won't come to the party.

In square ABCD, e and F are the points on CD and ad, respectively, ∠ EBF = 45 ° to prove: EF = AF + CE

Rotate triangle ABF 90 ° clockwise around point B to get triangle f'cb
Because ∠ EBF = 45 °, so ∠ ABF + ∠ EBC = 45 °
Therefore, after rotation, EBF '= 45 degrees
And because FB = f'b, EB = EB
It can be proved that the triangle f'eb is totally equal to the triangle Feb according to the edges and corners
So AE = EF
So EF = AF + CE