1. A square glass tank with an edge length of 8cm is filled with water. Pour it into another cuboid glass tank with a larger volume. The length of glass fiber reinforced plastic is 16cm and the width is 10cm How many centimeters is the water poured in? 2. There are 51 students in class A and 49 students in class B. in a math test, the average score of all the students in the two classes is 81 points. It is known that the average score of class B is 7 points higher than that of class A. then the average score of class B is? Two questions need to be solved in detail

1. A square glass tank with an edge length of 8cm is filled with water. Pour it into another cuboid glass tank with a larger volume. The length of glass fiber reinforced plastic is 16cm and the width is 10cm How many centimeters is the water poured in? 2. There are 51 students in class A and 49 students in class B. in a math test, the average score of all the students in the two classes is 81 points. It is known that the average score of class B is 7 points higher than that of class A. then the average score of class B is? Two questions need to be solved in detail

(1) 8 × 8 × 8 ÷ (16 × 10) = 3.2 cm
﹙ 8100-77.57×51﹚÷49=84.57
A: the average score of class B is 84.57

A cube glass jar with an edge length of 8 cm is filled with water. Pour it into another cuboid glass jar, which is 16 cm long and 10 cm wide. How high is the water
How high is the water in the glass jar?

A: the height of water is 3.2 cm

A cube glass jar with an edge length of 8cm is filled with water. Pour it into another cuboid glass jar, which is 16cm in length and 10cm in width. Then pour in the water
How high is it?

Water volume = 8 × 8 × 8
Water tank height = 8 × 8 × 8 / (16 × 10) = 3.2 cm

1. The multiple of 2,4,8,12,16,32,48,56,8 has a factor of? 48?

The multiple of 8 is 8 16 32 48 56
The factor of 48 is 1 2 4 8 12 16 48

The parity of the function f (x) = (x-1) multiplied by the root sign 1 + X / 1-x is?
A. Odd function B, even function C, non odd non even function D, are both odd and even functions

First of all, let's look at the definition field of the function, because the denominator cannot be 0, so 1-x ≠ 0, X ≠ 1
But x can be taken as - 1, so the domain of definition is not symmetric about the origin, that is, the function is non odd and non even, choose C

Who knows how many cubic meters of liquid oxygen are converted into gas oxygen in standard state? How many cubic meters of liquid nitrogen are converted into gas nitrogen in standard state? How many cubic meters of liquid oxygen are converted into oxygen in standard state? How many cubic meters of liquid nitrogen are converted into nitrogen in standard state?

1m & # 179; LOX = 804nm & # 179; O2
1m; liquid nitrogen = 646nm; nitrogen
1ton liquid oxygen = 704nm & # 179; oxygen
1ton liquid nitrogen = 800nm & # 179; nitrogen

If a + B = 10 and ab = * 2, then (3a-2b) - (- 5B + AB)=___________ .
Sorry, AB is - 2

Original formula = 3 (a + b) - AB = 30-2 = 28

Find the volume of the tetrahedron surrounded by the tangent plane of the surface XYZ = A & sup3; (a > 0) and three coordinate planes
I have given the maximum score I can
help me

The surface XYZ = A & sup3; the normal direction of (x0, Y0, Z0) is {y0z0, z0x0, x0y0}
The tangent plane is: y0z0 (x-x0) + z0x0 (y-y0) + x0y0 (z-z0) = 0
Its intercept on three coordinate axes are 3x0, 3y0 and 3z0
The volume of tetrahedron enclosed by tangent plane and three coordinate planes is 27x0y0z0 / 6 = 9A & sup3 / 2
If you do two more questions in your spare time, you'll get points

What is the common unit of length for mobile phones? How many CS is 1 mm?

C = silk? 1 mm = 10 silk? M = 100 silk? M = 1000 micron? 1 silk is commonly known as 1 silk? M = 1 silk? M, so 1 silk? M = 10 silk? 1 mm = 10 silk? M = 100 silk

In △ ABC, a, B and C are the opposite sides of a, B and C respectively. It is known that a and C are two of the equations X & # 178; - 2bx + 6 = 0, and B = 30 ° to find the value of B

a. B and C are opposite sides of a, B and C respectively. It is known that a and C are two of the equations X & # 178; - 2bx + 6 = 0, a + C = 2bac = 6B & # 178; = A & # 178; + C & # 178; - 2accos30 = (a + C) &# 178; - 2ac-2accos30b & # 178; = 4B & # 178; - 12-6 √ 3B & # 178; = 4 + 2 √ 3 = (1 + √ 3) &# 178; b = 1 + √ 3