A cuboid container, 3 decimeters long, 2 decimeters wide, 5 decimeters high, put an irregular stone into the container, just submerged by water, the water just rose How many cubic decimeters is the volume of the stone?

A cuboid container, 3 decimeters long, 2 decimeters wide, 5 decimeters high, put an irregular stone into the container, just submerged by water, the water just rose How many cubic decimeters is the volume of the stone?

3 × 2 × 1 = 6 (cubic decimeter)

Immerse a stone in a container filled with water, and the water overflows 1 liter. The volume of the stone is 1 cubic decimeter. If the shape of the stone is cube, how many decimeters is its edge length


1. If a container is full of 5 liters of water, and 0.8 liters of water will overflow when the stone is put into the container, then the volume of the stone is () cubic decimeter?
2. A fish tank is 60cm long, 40cm wide and 50cm high. When the water depth is 2DM, what is the volume of water in the tank? Put eight crabs into the tank, the water depth is 2.04dm, what is the average volume of each crab?
3. In the figure below, there was 100ml of water in the four identical measuring cups. Du yuan put different iron products in three of them. Please judge the liquid level of No. 4 measuring cup?
|||| 142ml ||| 138ml ||| how many ML|
|100ml | three cubes | 1 cube, 2 spheres | 1 cube, 1 sphere|
|_____ | | | | | | |
One, two, three, four

1.0.8L = 0.8 dm^3
The reason why water overflows is that stones replace the volume of water, and the volume of overflowing water is the volume of stones
2.60cm * 40cm * 20cm(2dm) = 48000cm^3
The volume of water in the fish tank is 48000 cm ^ 3
3. In No. 1 measuring cup, 142ml - 100ml more liquid = 42ml
Three cubes were added, 42ml / 3 = 16ml
A cube is equal to the volume of 16 ml water;
In No. 2, 138ml - 100ml = 38ml
A cube and two spheres were added, and the total volume of the two spheres was 38ml - 16ml = 22ml
The average volume of each sphere is 22ml / 2 = 11ml of water;
Four added a cube and a sphere, equivalent to 16 ml + 11 ml = 27 ml of water
The total liquid volume is: 100ml + 27ml = 127ml
If you want to calculate the liquid level, please give the bottom area of the measuring cup

Changhong park has newly designed two amusement Projects Aided by the United States

Changhong park has newly designed two amusement Projects Aided by the United States
There's a problem with "two American aid projects." there's only one in the United States
It should be "Changhong Park newly designed two amusement Projects Aided by the United States."

It is known that the quadratic function of x y = MX & # 178; the absolute value M. (1) when m is the value, the image has the lowest point? When x is the value, y increases with X
With the increase of? (2) what is the value of M, the function has the maximum value? At this time, what is the value of X, y increases with the increase of X?

m> There is the lowest point when the opening is upward at 0
The axis of symmetry is x = 0, so when x > 0, the function increases monotonically and Y increases with the increase of X

The increasing interval of the function y = Log1 / 2 (X & # 178; - 2x) is the decreasing interval

Let g (x) = x ^ 2-2x
On the left side of the symmetry axis X = 1 (x 1), G (x) is a monotone increasing function
y=log1/2 (x^2-2x)
=log1/2 g(x)
X2 is on the right side of x = 1, G (x) I monotonically increase, y = Log1 / 2, G (x) monotonically decrease, that is, the monotone decrease interval of y = Log1 / 2 (x ^ 2-2x) is: (2, + ∞)

Xiaogang got 98 points in the math test, 5 points more than 9 / 8 of Xiaoli's score. How many points did Xiaoli get?

Formula: (95-5) △ 9 / 8
=80 points
Equation: let Xiao Li test X points
So x = 80

If the definition field of function FX is [0,1] and the value field is [1,2], then the definition field of F (x + 2) is [0,1]_____ . the value field is_____ .

The domain of F (x + 2) is__ [-2,-1]___ . the value field is_ [1,2]____ .

Judgment of periodic function
For a function f (x), if f (x + T) = 1 / F (x), is the function periodic? What is the period? If f (x + T) = - f (x), what is the period?

Are periodic functions, and the period is 2T
(1) If f (x + a) = - f (x), then the period T of F (x) is 2A;
(2) If f (x + a) = m / F (x), m ≠ 0, then the period T of F (x) is 2A;

Xiao Ming goes to school 1000 meters away from home every morning. Xiao Ming starts at 80 meters per minute. Xiao Ming's father finds that he forgot to take it with him
Then he found that he had forgotten to bring his book, so his father immediately rode a bicycle to catch up with him at the speed of 180 m | min. can his father catch up with him on the way

Let father catch up with the time is t
4x180 = 720m