Do you want to know what the 26 English letters stand for

Do you want to know what the 26 English letters stand for

The English alphabet is derived from the Latin alphabet, the Latin alphabet is derived from the Greek alphabet, and the Greek alphabet is evolved from the Phoenician alphabet

Which of the 26 letters stands for one?

It should be a, because a is the first in the order
In addition, the English word ace also has this meaning

High school physics Coulomb theorem electric field strength exercise solution
For three charged balls with mass m, a, B and C are placed on a smooth insulation horizontal plane. The distance between a and B, B and C is L. QA = + 8q for a charged ball and QB = + Q for B charged ball. If a horizontal right constant force F is added to C, the balls a, B and C can always remain relatively static. What is the external force F? What is the charged quantity QC for C ball?

First of all, we must analyze their position relationship as follows: A is on the left, B is in the middle, C is on the right; and C must have a negative charge to make AB force balance, and then add a right pull to make C force balance
A+8q B+1q C-?q
The isolation method is used to study the stress of a and B
AB is balanced by force, then the charge of C is calculated, and then f is obtained by taking C as the research object
I'm going to take part in the party organization talk today. I don't have much time. Please forgive me for the incomprehensible answers!

If new year's Day is Monday, what day is the National Day?

January 1 is Monday, so after January 7, January 8 is Monday. This is because there are seven days in a week. If there is a difference of 7 days between January 8 and January 1, it will be Monday if 7 △ 7 = 1. If it is January 12, there will be a difference of 11 days, then 11 △ 7 = 1 4, there are still four days after Monday, so January 12 is the star

Not too many, 350 words!

This semester, the teacher taught a new knowledge, is the decimal multiplication and division. This knowledge, can help me a lot! Last night, my mother went to buy apple. Apple is 2.6 yuan a Jin, mother bought 4.5 Jin, should have paid 9 yuan. But the salesman is careless, don't know how to calculate, calculated into 12.2 yuan. Fortunately, I'm good

Simple calculation of 7.1 △ 1.25


There are rabbits in the cage, ducks with 35 heads and 100 feet. You can only get the answer in the way that 7-year-old children understand. You can't use multiplication and division. You can't use equations
For a 7-year-old, it's hard to understand the word hypothesis

Hypothesis method (popular)
Suppose the chicken and the rabbit listen to the command
Then, let all animals raise one foot, the foot standing in the cage:
100-35 = 65
Then raise one foot again. At this time, the chicken will fall when both feet are raised. Only the rabbit standing on two feet is left
65-35 = 30
Half of 30 is 15
35-15 = 20

C(13 52)C(13 39)C(13 26)
Multiply the three
How to solve it
This is a permutation problem
C (13 52) means that C is 13 above and 52 below

C(13 52)=13^2X4=676
C(13 39)=13^X3=507
C(13 26)=13^2X2=340
^It's a square sign
I may solve your question by mistake. It's better not to have ambiguity when asking

(6x-20) / 5 - (4x + 20) / 4 = 2 can you tell me the process of the formula


Two x plus five ninths x equals two thirds

23x of 9 = 2 of 3
X = 2 / 3 × 9 / 23
X = 6 / 23