What are the exact categories of Chinese ancient poems

What are the exact categories of Chinese ancient poems

Metrical poems can be divided into quatrains, metrical poems, ci poems and Qu poems
From the theme, it can be divided into farewell poems, frontier poems, boudoir poems, idyllic landscape poems, object poems, mourning poems, satirical poems, line poems, epic poems and nostalgic poems

What are the types of leading words in Nominal Clauses?

Nominal clauses can be divided into four categories: subject clause, object clause, predicative clause and appositive clause. Then, the leading words of nominal clauses are the leading words of these four clauses. The leading words are: 1. The conjunction that, if, while; the interrogative pronoun who, what, which and the interrogative adverb when, where, how, why

The right picture is the plan of a swimming pool. The length of the swimming pool is 50 meters. First, calculate the scale of the picture and the floor area of the swimming pool
The length is 2.6cm and the width is 1.9cm

Let the actual width of the swimming pool be X. according to the ratio (length on the drawing) / (width on the drawing) = (actual length) / (actual width), we can get 2.6 / 1.9 = 50 / x, x = 36.54, actual area = 50 * 36.54 = 1827 square meters

How to simply calculate 8.7 times 9.98


Poems, idioms, sayings and proverbs about cattle

The value of metaphor is very small
Nine oxen and two tigers means great power
It's a bit of a talent
In ancient times, blood was the alliance
It refers to the poor couple's miserable life
Niushan Zhuo (1) describes that the forest in mountain area has been cut down completely. (2) it is translated to describe a person's bald head
Niu Jiao guashu describes diligent learning, which is similar to "hanging a beam to stab a stock", "reading at night by a firefly" and "digging a wall to borrow light"
It is used to describe a person who is ugly and frightening. It is also used to describe a person who acts absurdly and ferociously
(1) to describe a person who is ugly and frightening. (2) to describe a person who acts absurdly and ferociously
Cattle and horses are very tired
It refers to a humble person or thing
It's a metaphor for overuse
It refers to two things that can't be put together at all. It is usually used to describe a person who doesn't answer the question
There are a lot of books
Gone forever, no trace
Scar Ding jieniu is a metaphor for knowing things clearly, being able to do things with ease
Playing the lute to a cow is a metaphor for the amorous feelings
It is a metaphor for stubborn thinking and self trapped in a desperate situation
A newborn calf is a new born calf who is not afraid of anything
It describes the love of parents for their children
Li Niu's son is compared to the father's evil son's virtuous son
The metaphor has nothing to do with it
It means a short distance
The metaphor is insignificant
Nine oxen and two tigers means great strength
[Bingji asks Niu] it is praised that officials care about people's sufferings or take the important position of prime minister. It is also used to irony that officials put the cart before the horse
It means that the world will be peaceful, and no longer fight
It means hard work
Smuggling cattle: an intermediary who specializes in illegal smuggling activities
A lost sheep gains an ox means a small loss but a big gain
It refers to nervousness
Paoding jieniu is a metaphor for knowing things thoroughly, being able to do things easily and freely
Heavy burden means heavy burden
There is no definite standard for right and wrong, and reputation depends on people
Wu niuchuanyue is used to describe excessive fear of seeing similar things that have been harmed, or to describe the extremely hot weather
Asking a cow to know a horse is a metaphor for learning the truth from others
Exaggeration is not true in description
It means free movement
It is compared to a truce without war, a peaceful atmosphere
There are many descriptions
The metaphor has its own name but no practical use
It is described as a grand and grand enterprise
It's also used as a hook
It's a metaphor for abandoning military forces to engage in agriculture
Tu Niu Chao Ge is a metaphor for a virtuous person who has not been recognized and appointed
It means to reason with someone who doesn't understand the truth or to speak without looking at the object
Slaughter cattle and horses
It describes the humble period before the success
It is against common sense to refer to things as nondescript
[mu Niu Liu Ma] during the Three Kingdoms period, Zhuge Liang's tools for transporting military grain were automatic
To reward a sergeant by killing an ox means to comfort a sergeant in battle
There are a lot of books
The metaphor is gone forever
Pulling the tail of an ox means working behind an ox
It is a metaphor for skillful and superb skills
It's a metaphor to show one's talent in small things
It's a metaphor for overuse
The day when Cowherd and Weaver Girl meet
It's a metaphor for not being satisfied and asking for trouble
Niushan Zhuo originally means that there are no trees on the mountain
It refers to stubborn temper and eccentric temperament
It describes a person who is anxious and at a loss
It refers to a couple living in poverty together
[cowhide king] jokingly refers to someone who likes to talk big
In ancient times, blood was the alliance
Cowherd and Weaver Girl refers to a couple who are separated from each other and hard to meet
In the countryside, there is a general name for the rich and good young people
[ox head and horse face] the ghost pawn in hell
(1) it refers to all kinds of ghosts and gods, or hymns, which are fantastic and mysterious
(2) It refers to a work with absurd content
(3) It is a metaphor for all kinds of bad people
It refers to the clothes worn by the poor
It means that life is difficult and life is worse than cattle and horses
Cattle and horses are very tired
Cattle intestines and horse bellies are big and eat a lot
It refers to diligent reading
Niu Jiao refers to a diligent scholar
Niuhuang goubao is a metaphor for rare goods. It is also used to refer to evil mind and ghost idea
Fish in ox's hoof refers to a place on the verge of death
Niujinniujiang is used to describe a stubborn and unruly temper
It is a metaphor for big utensils but small ones
It refers to a person of humble status
[Niubi daoren] satirizes the dog headed military strategist who specializes in helping people make random decisions
The genitals of cattle and horses are very large, extended to the genitals of foreigners
It means that the wise and the foolish are not separated
Feed cattle
The son of a plowing ox is compared to the son of a humble father
It is used to describe a disaster or all the bad luck and involved things
According to rhinoceros horn, it is used to describe men's and women's facial expressions, as well as their glaring eyes
Rhinoceros looks at the moon is compared to long-term hope
It means that a big country is weak, but if it oppresses a small country, it will die
Strength is like a cow
It's also called fighting a bull
Bullfight with great momentum is also called bullfight with great momentum
Wheezing like a cow is used to describe shortness of breath, wheezing like a cow
The mosquito moves the cow to fight describes the condition of being seriously ill and illusory
It is a metaphor for unwilling to be subordinated to others
The description of cocoon, silk and ox hair is meticulous
Selling swords and buying cattle means abandoning thieves and returning to agriculture
Beating cattle across the mountain is a metaphor for indirect exertion and failure to hit the target
It refers to people who are stubborn and do not know how to change, and study useless or unsolvable problems
It is a metaphor for stubborn thinking and falling into a difficult situation
It is a metaphor for excessive punishment
It's a metaphor for doing things slowly and inefficiently
It means swallowing other people's property
It refers to people's private love for their children
A life of seclusion like an immortal, or a good fortune
It refers to something humble
It means that man acts like an animal
Riding an ox and looking for an ox means that things and principles are around. Instead, they seek for distance and seek for the future. It is also called riding an ass and looking for an ass
The metaphor is to be a leader of a small group rather than an unimportant member of a large group
Qi Wang's sacrifice of cattle is a metaphor for the superior to show compassion and love for the common people in the world
It means that the will is so strong that no one can shake it
It means that small can make big
Black ox gives birth to white calf is a good omen
[cutting peonies to feed cattle] is a metaphor for violence
The power of nine oxen and two tigers means great power
Nine oxen go and get a dime is a metaphor for minimal loss
A bull's head doesn't agree with a horse's mouth
Boast without making a draft
It means that things have nothing to do with each other
The measurement is grand
How to kill a chicken with a bull's knife is a metaphor for dealing with small things without great talent
It means forcing others to do something they don't want to do
It is impossible to achieve the goal by means of strong coercion
It means that parents don't have to worry too much about their children
When the ox is whipped, it can be extended to revenge for kindness
The metaphor is insignificant
[nine cows can't be pulled out] it means that things are very difficult to deal with
A tiger, a leopard and a foal have the spirit of eating cattle
[a flower on cow dung] it means that a woman with outstanding talent marries a husband with mediocre talent or ugly appearance
It is better to be a chicken than a cow
When a complaint or confession enters the yamen, it cannot be withdrawn or changed
It is used to describe a person who is ugly and frightening. It is also used to describe a person who acts absurdly and ferociously
(1) to describe a person who is ugly and frightening. (2) to describe a person who acts absurdly and ferociously
Cattle and horses are very tired
It refers to a humble person or thing
It's a metaphor for overuse
It refers to two things that can't be put together at all. It is usually used to describe a person who doesn't answer the question
There are a lot of books
Gone forever, no trace
Scar Ding jieniu is a metaphor for knowing things clearly, being able to do things with ease
Playing the lute to a cow is a metaphor for the amorous feelings
It's a metaphor for stubborn thinking and being trapped in a desperate situation
New born calf