Grade 6 Chinese exercise book "mahogany": if you water every day, mahogany seedlings should not wither so easily, right 1. If you water every day, mahogany seedlings should not wither so easily What do you think of after reading this article

Grade 6 Chinese exercise book "mahogany": if you water every day, mahogany seedlings should not wither so easily, right 1. If you water every day, mahogany seedlings should not wither so easily What do you think of after reading this article

1. If you water every day, mahogany seedlings should not wither so easily. A: "it will not wither so easily, but as soon as the wind blows and the rain blows, the seedlings will fall down." 2. What do you think of after reading this article? A: "I think that the road of life is rugged and long, not plain sailing. When I encounter difficulties, I have to think

Answers to the exercises and tests in lesson 22 of the sixth grade Chinese Volume II of Jiangsu Education Press

Basic exercise 1, choose the words and fill in the blanks. 1. Choose the words and fill in the blanks. 1. The words and basic exercise 1, choose the words and fill in the blanks. 1. The words of "Xiang" and ####; (35;###; \35 35\ \ \ irritability, irritability, irritability, irritability

The answer to grandma's paper cutting lesson

1、 2. The original meaning of making trouble is to make people feel embarrassed. In the text, it means "I" cover grandma's eyes to make her cut paper. The original meaning of being picky is to criticize the details excessively. In the text, it means "I" cover grandma's eyes to make her cut paper

Two squares with an area of 9 square meters form a rectangle. What are the perimeter and area?

Perimeter 3 * 6 = 18m
Area 9 * 2 = 18m ^ 2

What is the function of motor slip? Under what circumstances should the motor with large slip be used? Under what circumstances should the motor with small slip be used?
Is there a special process for manufacturing this kind of motor? I heard that in some cases, the motor with large slip is needed, but in others, the motor with large slip is needed. {emphasize, don't tell me the concept of slip. I know that s = (N1-N) / N1, from 0 to 1, is the variation range of slip. I just say that the motor with large slip is specially made}

The theoretical efficiency of the motor is less than or equal to 1-slip. The greater the slip, the lower the efficiency. This is certain
For larger motor, heating serious, low efficiency, so will not use a large slip motor
For small motors, efficiency and heating are not big problems. Generally speaking, a large slip rate means that the range of motor speed regulation is larger, and it also means that the motor speed will change more depending on different loads. Generally speaking, a motor with a small slip rate does not change much. Here is an example of my illusion to illustrate the difference. You can experience it
Assuming that the slip rate is large: no-load 1800 rpm, speed range 1500-1800 rpm
The load of 10nm may be 1700 rpm
And the slip rate is small: no-load 1800 rpm, speed range 1700-1800 rpm
1770 rpm at 10 nm load

The interval of function f (x) = lgx + X with zeros
A(1,2) B(0,1) C(-1,0) D(1,

Continuous function, if f (a) * f (b) 0, so there must be zero in the interval (0,1)

Take a 20 cm long, 18 cm wide rectangular cardboard, four corners minus the side length of 2 cm small square, make a cuboid box without cover, volume?

Length of cuboid = 20-2-2 = 16 (CM)
Cuboid width = 18-2-2 = 14 (CM)
Cuboid volume = 16 × 14 × 2 = 448 (cm3)

As for the velocity formula v = st of uniform linear motion, the following statement is correct ()
A. Speed is directly proportional to distance B. speed is directly proportional to time C. speed V is directly proportional to distance s and inversely proportional to time T. speed is equal to the ratio of distance to time

In uniform linear motion, speed is a fixed value, that is, the ratio of distance to time is a fixed value, that is, the distance is proportional to time. However, the statements in options a, B and C belong to the concepts that can not really understand uniform linear motion. Therefore, choose D

If the number B is divided by the number a, the quotient is 0.3 and the remainder is 0.01
The sum of two numbers a and B is 121. The decimal point of B is equal to a after moving one place to the left. B is ()

If the number B is divided by the number a, the quotient is 0.3 and the remainder is 0.01
The sum of a and B is 121. The decimal point of B is equal to a after moving one place to the left. B is (11)

The side area of the cone is 10 π, and the center angle of the expanded side view is 36 degrees?