To 2011, people's education press. If there are, give me scientific

To 2011, people's education press. If there are, give me scientific

People's education press primary school fifth grade volume II mathematics final examination paper (time: 90 minutes) 1. Think hard, I will fill in. (20 points) 1. The product of 5.04 × 2.1 is () decimal places; the quotient of 22.6 △ 0.33, one decimal place is reserved about (). 2. Two decimal places will be reserved is ()

People's education press primary school grade 5 Volume 2 Chinese unit 1 test paper
Talk nonsense and muddle through

Grade 5 Volume 1 Chinese unit 1 test paper

People's education press grade 5 Volume 1 Chinese unit 1 class: Name: seat number: Score: Part I: accumulation and application of basic knowledge. (30 points) 1. Reading Pinyin and writing Chinese characters. (6 points) w ū y á n ch ō n ɡ Z ú B à n l ǚ (...)


Sports show~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

It is known that in triangle ABC, ∠ bad = ∠ C, ∠ DAE = ∠ EAC

It is proved that: as shown in the figure, when passing through point E, make ef ‖ AD and AC at point F, ∵ EF ‖ ad, ∵ FEA = ∵ DAE = ∵ EAF, ∵ Fe = AF, and ∵ EF ‖ ad, ∵ ADAC = FEFC = AFFC = DEEC,