Pay attention to pronunciation and font

Pay attention to pronunciation and font

Pay attention to the difference between "L" and "n" in pronunciation
Pay attention to the side of the character, the radical is the handle

In this paper, we define a kind of operation "×" for any two rational numbers a and B, where a ● B = AB-1, and find the value of 4 × (- 5)


There are 140 fruit trees in the orchard. The ratio of apple trees to peach trees is 2:3, and that of peach trees to pear trees is 4:5?

Because the ratio of apple tree to peach tree is (2 × 4): (3 × 4) = 8:12; the ratio of peach tree to pear tree is (4 × 3): (5 × 3) = 12:15; so the ratio of apple tree, peach tree and pear tree is: 8:12:15, so 140 ÷ (8 + 12 + 15) = 4 (trees), 4 × 8 = 32 (trees), 4 × 12 = 48 (trees), 4 × 15 = 60 (trees). A: there are 32 apple trees, 48 peach trees and 60 pear trees

If the values of the algebraic formula ax + B are 7 and 9 respectively when x = 3 and 4, find the value of the algebraic formula ax + B when x = 1

When x = 1, ax + B = 2 × 1 + 1 = 3

A supermarket stipulates the sales method of a brand of mineral water: 3 yuan for each bottle of no more than 30 bottles, and 2.4 yuan for each bottle of more than 30 bottles
A person bought 70 bottles of mineral water twice in two days and paid 183 yuan in total. How many bottles of mineral water did the person buy in these two days?

a=25 b=45

Simple calculation of 2005 times 20062006-2006 times 20052005


Monkey selling peach
The monkey sells peaches at 20 cents per catty and 53 cents per catty. One day, three tigers abandoned them and went to the monkey to buy peaches. Each tiger paid 20 cents and left. The monkey thought he had taken advantage of them, so he asked the little rabbit to take 10 cents to chase them back. The rabbit accidentally lost 4 cents. After catching up with the tiger, he returned the remaining 6 cents to each tiger for 2 cents, A total of 54 cents, plus the rabbit lost 4 cents, a total of 58 cents, the tiger paid 60 cents, there are two points where?

In fact, this question is changed by a classic way of paying for accommodation
Three tigers bought peaches, each paid 18 points, a total of 54 cents, of which 5 cents were in the hands of monkeys, 4 cents were lost by rabbits, and the rest 6 points were given to three tigers on average. In fact, that's right!
Fox's statement is wrong: a total of 54 cents, which was actually lost, plus the lost 4 cents, it is still 54 cents. This is the most troublesome part of the problem

The M + 3 power of 2 multiplied by the M + 3 power of 3 is equal to 36, and the m-2 power of M is equal to what

2^(m+3) × 3^(m+3) =36^(m-2) (2×3)^(m+3)=36^(m-2) 6^(m+3)=6^2(m-2) 6^(m+3)/6^2(m-2)=1 6^(m+3-2m+4)=1 6^(7-m)=1 7-m=0 m=7

The distance between a and B is 240 kilometers, and a bus takes two hours to travel 35 times. According to this calculation, how many hours will it take to complete the rest of the road? (answer in proportion)

240 × 35 = 144 km, assuming that the rest of the road will take x hours to complete, (240-144): x = 144:2, & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 144x = 96 × 2, & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 144x = 192, & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; X = 113; a: the rest of the way will take 113 hours

1+2+3+4… +2004+2005+2004+… +What is 4 + 3 + 2 + 1

1 +2+3+4… +2003+2004+2005
+2004+… + 4+3+2 +1
=2005+2005+…… +2005