Why are some pronunciations in classical Chinese not in the Chinese dictionary? For example, "Xue" in xiaoyaoyou and "Ji" in Qi Wu Lun are not in Chinese dictionaries. Is ancient Chinese not Chinese?

Why are some pronunciations in classical Chinese not in the Chinese dictionary? For example, "Xue" in xiaoyaoyou and "Ji" in Qi Wu Lun are not in Chinese dictionaries. Is ancient Chinese not Chinese?

In ancient Chinese, because of different regions, the so-called "ten li different pronunciation", there are many kinds of pronunciation of a word. In order to standardize the pronunciation, the ancients came up with the method of reverse cutting, that is, the initial of the first word + the final of the second word. For example, "Guangyun" is one of the representative works

How many pronunciations do you have

A: tea table, probability, several cases
Three voices: a few, a few people, a few days

For example, words like Huang Chengcheng
It's better to use words to express color, the more the better

White and green
Dark blue, dark blue, dark red, green and red
It's black, it's black, it's white, it's green, it's golden

I'm in a hurry to convert the singular to the plural
this is her uncle.
that is my sister.
is that a photo?
is she your aunt?
no,she isn't.
is it a pencil sharpener?
yes ,it is.
are these oranges?
are those his friends?
are they tom's daughters?

these are her uncles
those are my sisters.
are those photos?
are they your aunts?
no,they aren't.
are they pencil sharpeners?
yes ,they are.
is this an orange?
is that his friend?
Is she Tom's daughter

A car runs 167 km in 2 hours and a bus 250 km in 3 hours. What is the speed of the car and bus? Which car is faster?

The speed of the car is v = 167 / 2 = 83.5 km / h
The speed of the bus is v = 250 / 3 = 83.33 km / h
The car is a little faster

The sum of two natural numbers is 56, and the greatest common divisor is 7

The two numbers are 21 and 35

Problem: if (m power of a × 10) × (n power of B × 10) = P power of C × 10 holds (where a, B and C are integers not less than 1 but less than 10, and the relationship among m, N and P is ━

When AB is less than 10, P = m + n
When ABC is greater than or equal to 10, P = m + N + 1
That's right, and that's what I wrote

A primary school teachers and students to spring outing, if each car to sit 60 people, there are 15 people can not get on the car, if each car to sit 5 people, just empty a car, a total of how many

This is a question of profit and loss
(15 + 65) / 5 = 16 (vehicles)
16 * 60 + 15 = 975 (persons) or (16-1) * (60 + 5) = 975 (persons)

It is proved by Taylor formula that ln (1 + x) > x-x ^ 2 / 2 when x > 0

The Taylor expansion of y = ln (1 + x) is as follows:
y = ln (1 + x) = x - x^2/2 + x^3/3 - x^4/4 + .
When | x | < 1, ln (1 + x) - (x - x ^ 2 / 2) = x ^ 3 / 3 - x ^ 4 / 4 +. > 0
So ln (1 + x) > x - x ^ 2 / 2

1. Find the value of (LG2) to the second power + LG2 times LG50 + LG25

The second power of (LG2) + LG2 times LG50 + LG25
=The second power of (LG2) + LG2 times (LG2 + LG25) + LG25
=The second power of (LG2) + LG2 times (LG2 + 2lg5) + LG25